Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:7F6941BA-A8EF-47E6-80D8-B1F7F90D3351 <br /> Community 1 I IIII �°1 oiiiii lllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111 ,;;, <br /> OCT 24 2017 INVOICE No.0107 IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII III 111111111W <br /> 1111) VP S11115"DA""I"" Too da„,0 / 1Ilt iIIIIC ma y / eonye psi III I of isc3loin Y"s y <br /> We will are converting to the most recent version of the VI-SPDAT(2.0) assessment for <br /> individuals and families.The system will recalculate VI-SPDAT 1.0 assessments to be <br /> comparable to 2.0 scores. <br /> 11111111111 d yl l°It e m Id e on tliii IIII eat i a on Too <br /> Clients will given the option to identify using their name/birthdate,an automatically assigned <br /> ID, or a ID unique to their DV circumstance. <br /> 111111111112 D liidRai C 0 on sent i Ilu ig <br /> The system will administer the consent form for the HOME taskforce. <br /> 1211. Add liiil'iiim n IIII Questions far IIII°°IIII ff M OE Referral <br /> We are building in additional questions to the HOME taskforce referral process in OC Connect <br /> to connect more easily with clients and point them towards appropriate resources <br /> (Rapid-Rehousing/SOAR/Permanent Supportive Housing /VA Services). <br /> 11 OR lag p o Ira iii ng 111„„iii st di evf a n d A d 11111IIII111 CC e SS <br /> OC Connect will have an administrative login that can be used to view completed VI-SPDATs <br /> and serve as a foundation for future development and access to system reports! <br /> 121. IIIId g o hill on,r° c:c:e s s a on d S 9IIlii d 3 fa IlM <br /> s <br /> ��� iIII��W uir�l iii�I�.uu s 1�IIU s uir IIII oftl uirml <br /> In order to provide access to partners through unique logins,we will need to pay an annual fee <br /> of$1,200 to stated above this cost will provide us with unique logins for each <br /> partner ' increasing the security and integrity of the platform while expanding the platform's <br /> potential for inter-agency collaboration'. <br /> 2111191. Dam ate uiriiir111Y"III s a dle on e nit pI1lIV 111pit a it IIII Ind <br /> The resources have been compiled from CEF's internal Resource Database and combined with <br /> databases used by our partners.Our team of over 160 Volunteer Advocates is trained to actively <br /> use the resource database and report any inconsistencies or necessary updates. In addition, <br /> CEF's Operation Coordinator will work with a team of Advocates and CEF Staff to annually comb <br /> through each resource and verify/update the information. The team will also seek out and <br /> incorporate other databases and resources that have not yet been included. <br /> 1111111111 m 1 IllI 1 III y I III 111111 111(IIIIIII IIIIIII 11iiill VIII IIII 11111111111111111011111111 II II IIII 1 1 I IIII VIII <br /> 111111111 IIIIIII II II II 11111111111 IIIIIIIIII 111111II IIII IIIIIII 10111 IIIIIIII111111 IIII IIII uu1111111 III 11111IIIIIIII 111111111 III III IIII111111IIIIIIII 111111II 111111 III IIIIIIIII III IIII IIIIIIIII 11111 11111111 IIIIIIIII1111111111�11111111 1111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII IIII1111111111111111111111III IIII(IIIIIII 11111111 VIII 1IIII1IIII IIIIIIIIII uuull lllllllll IIIIIIIII III ull <br />