Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:39EEFC69-D47C-4CE3-8A5C-0A87B55C2CD0 XHIBIT A <br /> PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br /> poverty areas in the County of up to 22%. In early childhood, research on the biology of <br /> stress indicates that major adversity, such as extreme poverty, above, or neglect can <br /> affect brain development and permanently set the child's stress level on high alert. <br /> Chronic stress can be toxic to the brains of young children. <br /> The Chapel Hill Human Needs Assessment identified Affordable Healthcare and <br /> Education and Family Resources as key human needs and priorities for funding. <br /> Orange County Goals <br /> Goal 1: Ensure a community network of basic human services and infrastructure <br /> that maintains, protects, and promotes the well-being of all county residents. <br /> Goal 6 <br /> Ensure a high quality of life and lifelong learning that champions diversity, <br /> education at all levels, libraries, parks, recreation, and animal welfare <br /> • KidSCope is a collaborative partner with FAMILY SUCCESS ALLIANCE. <br /> • KidSCope provides access to developmental and mental health screening and <br /> services, and parent education resources to increase positive parenting skills. <br /> f) Who is your target population of individuals to benefit from this program and how will <br /> they be identified and connected with the program? <br /> KidSCope provides mental health and family support to children birth to 5 and their <br /> families in Orange County. KidSCope services prepare families for positive early <br /> experiences that "scaffold" healthy development, and build a foundation for later skills <br /> and learning capacities. <br /> Families may self-refer, or referrals may be made by other agencies such as Cardinal <br /> Innovations, Orange County Department of Social Services, Orange County Health <br /> Department, local child care programs, Head Start and Early Head Start, School <br /> Systems, medical facilities, the court system, or a variety of other sources. Ultimately, <br /> families/guardians make the decision to receive services. <br /> g) Describe the credentials of the program manager and other key staff. (Ex. Identify <br /> Program Manager and credentials, describe training provided to volunteers, etc.) <br /> Linda Foxworth is the founder of the KidSCope program and has been its director <br /> since 1988. Linda has more than 40 years of experience working with young children <br /> with special needs and their families. She has served on numerous local and state- <br /> wide committees and task forces. As Director of KidSCope in Orange and Chatham <br /> Counties, Linda has been responsible for administration of programs that provide <br /> mental health and developmental disabilities services for young children and families. <br /> Linda has a BA in Sociology and Master's Degree in Special Education, specializing <br /> in Early Childhood Handicapping Conditions. <br /> Kathy Eden is the KidSCope Outreach Clinical Coordinator and is a Licensed <br /> Clinical Social Worker whose specialty is children and families. Kathy has a family- <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION 2/9/2017 11:59:17 AM I ' : , 12 00 I / <br />