Orange County NC Website
rules and regulations of the North Carolina Division of Environmental Management, North Carolina Sedimentation Control 4 <br /> Commission, and with ordinances and regulations of various counties, municipalities and other official agencies relating to <br /> pollution prevention and control. When any installation or maintenance operation disturbs the ground surface and existing <br /> ground cover, the party of the second part agrees to remove and replace the sod or otherwise reestablish the grass cover to <br /> meet the satisfaction of the Division Engineer of the party of the first part. <br /> That the party of the second part agrees to assume the actual cost of any inspection of the work considered to be necessary <br /> by the Division Engineer of the party of the first part. <br /> That the party of the second part agrees to have available at the encroaching site, at all times during construction, a copy of <br /> this agreement showing evidence of approval by the party of the first part. The party of the first part reserves the right to stop all <br /> work unless evidence of approval can be shown. <br /> Provided the work contained in this agreement is being performed on a completed highway open to traffic; the party of the <br /> second part agrees to give written notice to the Division Engineer of the party of the first part when all work contained herein has <br /> been completed. Unless specifically requested by the party of the first part,written notice of completion of work on highway <br /> projects under construction will not be required. <br /> That in the case of noncompliance with the terms of this agreement by the party of the second part, the party of the first part <br /> reserves the right to stop all work until the facility has been brought into compliance or removed from the right of way at no cost <br /> to the party of the first part. <br /> That it is agreed by both parties that this agreement shall become void if actual construction of the work contemplated herein <br /> is not begun within one (1)year from the date of authorization by the party of the first part unless written waiver is secured by the <br /> party of the second part from the party of the first part. <br />