Orange County NC Website
17 <br /> Older adult residents of Orange County have already been actively involved in advocating and <br /> planning for improved bus services throughout the county. As part of the county's Age-Friendly <br /> Community 2017-22 Master Aging Plan (MAP), over 1,000 community residents participated in <br /> public meetings, surveys, and focus groups to determine their needs and desires. A <br /> Transportation Work Group was commissioned to develop the specific transportation-related <br /> goals, objectives, strategies and outcome indicators and worked together over 5 meetings to <br /> create their portion of the 2017-22 MAP. In addition to 3-4 community member representatives, <br /> the following public and non-profit providers worked together: Chapel Hill Transit, Orange <br /> Public Transit, Triangle Transit, Triangle J Council of Governments, Piedmont Health Services, <br /> Department of Social Services, Orange County Council of Disability Advocates. The 2017-22 <br /> MAP went into effect on July 1, 2017. The Transportation Work Group members will continue <br /> to meet together on a quarterly basis to select implementation priorities and to oversee the <br /> process. The Department on Aging provides leadership to this group, by facilitating the <br /> meetings and keeping members informed of actions accomplished or partnerships needed. <br /> This project will benefit all of Orange County, as the targeted bus stop improvements will <br /> facilitate travel throughout the county. The new bus seats will be installed primarily in the Town <br /> of Hillsborough, on its Circulator Route, and along the major bus routes between Hillsborough, <br /> Chapel Hill and Efland. This area was targeted for this project because its current bus stop <br /> visibility, comfort, and safety is far poorer than that in the more populous area of Chapel Hill, <br /> home to the University of North Carolina. Many older adults live in the quiet towns of <br /> Hillsborough and Efland, but have been increasing forced to move into areas of the county that <br /> have more and better transportation options, once they give up their cars. <br /> If funded, the Orange County Department on Aging would purchase the fifteen Simme seat bus <br /> stops and contract with the Public Transportation Department for installation of the seats/poles at <br /> the agreed upon sites. The Public Transportation Department has already sited the stops and has <br /> the capacity for installation through their own contracted personnel. They guarantee that the <br /> installation can be completed by November 1,2017. <br /> The Department on Aging will cover the costs associated with marketing the new bus stop <br /> improvements and the Transportation Specialist will focus a portion of her time on providing <br /> travel information and training to older adults living in these communities to encourage and <br /> facilitate their use of the public bus system. <br /> In addition, the Public Transportation Department will cover any installation costs above the <br /> stated estimate. <br />