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8 <br /> • Implement a plan to "escape" the perfect storm <br /> o Older facilities in disrepair <br /> o Newer facilities that have become older <br /> o Continued enrollment growth <br /> o Few school sites remaining <br /> Superintendent Baldwin presented this slide: <br /> CHCCS Requests Assistance <br /> • Provide ideas and guidance for the options presented <br /> • Continue to work with County Director of Asset Management Services <br /> • Create a small work group, to include Orange County staff, CHCCS staff, Town of <br /> Chapel Hill staff, and others to continue to brainstorm cost reduction and to provide <br /> thoughts and guidance towards options moving forward <br /> Commissioner Price asked if Todd LoFrese had figures showing that the trend is <br /> leaning towards more students at this younger age. <br /> Todd LoFrese said the district has been growing on average for 10 years at a rate of <br /> about 1-1.5% <br /> Pam Baldwin said the timeline is complicating their process, and their desire to delay a <br /> new elementary school. She said they have multiple concerns moving forward. She reviewed <br /> the following slide again: <br /> CHCCS Requests Assistance <br /> • Provide ideas and guidance for the options presented <br /> • Continue to work with County Director of Asset Management Services <br /> • Create a small work group, to include Orange County staff, CHCCS staff, Town of <br /> Chapel Hill staff, and others to continue to brainstorm cost reduction and to provide <br /> thoughts and guidance towards options moving forward <br /> Pam Baldwin said CHCCS needs a decision regarding the Lincoln Center project by <br /> mid-December. She stressed a desire and intent for the schools to work in partnership with <br /> the County. <br /> Commissioner Price clarified that the manager is recommending deferring any decision <br /> until the BOCC meets for its retreat in January, and how this plays into CHCCS needing a <br /> decision by mid-December. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said her recommendation is based on resources. She said the <br /> consultants who are doing the County's 5-year forecast will be at the BOCC retreat, and will <br /> present an outlook on the County's available resources. She said at this time, the amount <br /> allocated in the Capital Investment Plan (CIP) with the bonds are at the debt affordability <br /> ceiling, so she does not know of any additional resources. <br /> Commissioner Price said she can see the wisdom in that recommendation, but wonders <br /> how the School Board feels. <br />