Minutes 11-20-2017
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 11-20-2017
Entry Properties
Last modified
12/6/2017 7:10:54 AM
Creation date
12/6/2017 7:07:05 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 6-a - Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Bond Project Update
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 6-b - Presentation of the Mobile Home Park Survey Report and Recommendations
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 6-c - Request for Proposal Award of Surplus Property
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 6-d - Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan Planning Organization 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Preferred Option – Public Comment Period
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 6-e - Board of Commissioners - BOCC Chair-Vice Chair Voting Process
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 7-a - GoTriangle Update on Transit Oriented Development Process and Potential Rail Station Changes
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 8-a - Minutes
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 8-b - Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget Amendment #3
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 8-d - Termination of Lease and Joint Use Agreement with Orange County Schools
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 8-e - Resolution of Approval – Conservation Easement for Center Stream Farm Addition; and Approval of Budget Amendment #3-A
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 8-f - Establishing a County Government Academy for Orange County Residents
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017 - 8-g - Approval of NACo Rural Impact Community Challenge Resolution
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017-12-1 - Information Item - November 2, 2017 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017-12-2 - Information Item - Transmittal of the FY 2018-19 Human Services Funding Application
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 11-20-2017-12-3 - Information Item - BOCC Chair Letter Regarding Petitions from November 2, 2017 Regular Meeting
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2017\Agenda - 11-20-2017 - Regular Mtg.
ORD-2017-027 Fiscal Year 2017-18 Budget Amendment #3
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2017
ORD-2017-028 Conservation Easement for Center Stream Farm Addition; and Approval of Budget Amendment #3-A
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2010-2019\2017
RES-2017-073 Resolution approving transfer of surplus property to Habitat of OC
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2017
RES-2017-074 Resolution approving Agricultural Conservation Easement between Orange County and Fickle Creek Land Company, LLC
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2017
RES-2017-075 Resolution approving the Rural Impact County Challenge
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2010-2019\2017
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11 <br /> creative can they be with other solutions. He said not to look at the December bid as the <br /> deadline, but rather to truly brainstorm. He said to him this is a chance to think differently and <br /> maybe phase the Chapel Hill High project. He said to set aside their assumptions and come <br /> up with some options together and forget about getting it done in 3 weeks. He said sometimes <br /> one has to spend money to save money. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if the following slide would be put up, and asked if School Board <br /> members had comments: <br /> CHCCS Requests Assistance <br /> • Provide ideas and guidance for the options presented <br /> • Continue to work with County Director of Asset Management Services <br /> • Create a small work group, to include Orange County staff, CHCCS staff, Town of <br /> Chapel Hill staff, and others to continue to brainstorm cost reduction and to provide <br /> thoughts and guidance towards options moving forward <br /> School Board member comments: <br /> Rani Dasi said this is a hard conversation, and it feels as some of the ideas are <br /> abstract. She said all of these suggestions affect other costs, and how the children are <br /> educated. She said she does not feel that there is an appreciation of how much work has <br /> gone into this process thus far. She said there are other options, none of which are ideal. She <br /> said delaying will not lead to cost savings, but rather it is a kicking of the can down the road, <br /> the practice of which has lead to all these pressing needs being here in the first place. She <br /> said she understands that the County has limited resources, but the schools have increasing <br /> needs and she is unsure of the answer. <br /> Commissioner Price said she is interested in the third option of creating a small work <br /> group, and asked if there would still be a need to have a decision by December. <br /> Pam Baldwin said the December date is for the current bid, and it seems that this <br /> discussion is not on the table. She said the third bullet is simply stating the need for <br /> discussion about all of the projects moving forward, which is very important. She said the <br /> needs are real, and there must be a plan in place. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if it would be less agonizing to put the December deadline <br /> aside, and have a work group meet and start planning. <br /> Superintendent Baldwin said no matter what, CHCCS will leave tonight and work on <br /> how to meet legislative demands within the County's means. She said the agony will continue, <br /> but CHCCS would like to work in partnership with the County, as these issues will not go away. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if moving forward with option three would set aside the <br /> December date, and let the Board of County Commissioners meet in January to better assess <br /> resources, all the while working in a small group. <br /> Pam Baldwin said bullet three has the understanding of working towards the December <br /> deadline, while meeting in a small group to figure out next steps. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if CHCCS has a preferred plan of attack: go with the Lincoln <br /> Center as bid, finding the additional funds. <br /> James Barrett said if CHCCS had a better answer, it would have provided it. He said <br /> the plans to address capacity and school construction standards are what the schools are <br /> working within. He said the BOCC wanted to expand capacity without building new schools, <br /> and this is the approach CHCCS has taken. He said cost escalation is beyond anyone's <br /> control, and CHCCS is asking for help. He said the current plans best meet all the agreements <br /> that are in place between the CHCCS and the County. <br />
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