Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> Michael Harvey said if the deadline is missed, or the change denied, the County will be <br /> suspended from the National Flood Insurance Program, which means local residents will not be <br /> able to purchase flood insurance. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> open the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Bruce Lucas spoke about his land, and is need of help so that water will not stand on his <br /> land. He said he is in a flood plain. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if this is a private road. <br /> Bruce Lucas said yes, it was established in 1954. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if staff could provide some follow up to Mr. Lucas about his situation. <br /> Michael Harvey said he has spoken with Mr. Lucas, and a meeting can be set up to <br /> discuss further. <br /> June McWhorter said trees absorb a large amount of water, and cutting them down has <br /> significant impact. She said the onus should be on the County to notify new landowners not to <br /> cut trees within the buffer of streams/flood plains, and not leave it up to the realtors. <br /> Bud Shelton said his farm has some river frontage. He said the changes in the maps <br /> could impact him, and if he is required to buy flood insurance his property value may decrease. <br /> He said the information sent out by the County was very wordy, and beyond his understanding. <br /> He wants to make sure he is doing the right thing for his family and his property. <br /> Michael Harvey suggested that Mr. Shelton come by his office to discuss this further. He <br /> said the County cannot compel anyone to buy this insurance, but it is strongly suggestion. <br /> Jack Pless said he lives in a flood plain, and did not receive any letters from the Planning <br /> staff. He said he learned of the issue from a temporary road sign, which was very difficult to read. <br /> He encouraged staff to revise the signage about this topic. <br /> Franklin Garland said he did receive the notification, and assumes the included maps are <br /> the ones that will be adopted. He said flood plains have been increased in District 1 with the <br /> newly proposed maps. <br /> Michael Harvey said the County has to go by the new maps. <br /> Joyce Briggs said she received notification about her land being put in a flood zone, which <br /> it never has been before. Her family has lived on her property for three generations, and she is <br /> concerned that this will affect their property values. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if there is a process to contact new landowners about tree <br /> cutting. <br /> Michael Harvey said no, and there is some responsibility on the part of the purchaser to <br /> inquire about any opportunities and constraints that may apply to their property. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs asked if a seller must disclose if a property is in a FEMA flood <br /> plain. <br /> Michael Harvey said yes. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs asked if the tax office takes a flood plain designation into <br /> consideration during a valuation. <br /> Michael Harvey said he would have to research this question. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said an additional issue of notification arises when one purchases <br /> land next to an EDD. He said these types of issues should be discussed at some future point. <br /> Chair Dorosin said this is a worthy suggestion to pursue, and he said to consider this as a <br /> petition to add to an agenda at a later date. <br /> Lyndon Whitfield said his concern is whether the flood plain designation would devalue <br /> properties, and asked if a review is done of the maps. <br />