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21 <br /> Steve Brantley said the recent revaluation has changed these numbers a bit, but <br /> historically this is accurate. He said projects like this can help shift that dynamic. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if the type of developments that will go into Waterstone and <br /> Daniel Boone area are known. <br /> Steve Brantley said he thought Waterstone was going to be a large science park, lined <br /> with white-collar operations, but in reality he found most of it is residential. He said the few <br /> remaining sites at Waterstone are too small. He said Hillsborough has no large tracts of land that <br /> could accommodate a corporate presence. He said the Settlers' Point project could tie in well <br /> with the tone of Waterstone, attracting professional offices. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he is trying to get a sense of how many jobs may be <br /> created by this project. <br /> Steve Brantley reviewed several potential tenants and the numbers of people they could <br /> employ, from a call canter to a warehouse, which are lower paying jobs. He said an automotive <br /> park facility would maximize the tax value, and provide higher paying jobs. He said life science <br /> companies are an option as well, which can have very high salaries. <br /> Chair Dorosin said it looks as if the Board of County Commissioners is going to defer this <br /> item to a later meeting. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs referred to page 110, which states, "external illumination shall be <br /> permitted...". He asked Michael Harvey if he would clarify internal and external illumination in a <br /> future discussion. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said the BOCC planned Watersone with Hillsborough, and it was <br /> the ideal economic development site in the County. He said Hillsborough changed some of the <br /> plans to make it more residential, and removed an agreed upon Senior Center. He said given <br /> that Hillsborough is asking the BOCC to do what it considers important for Hillsborough, he would <br /> like to ask the Town Board to write a letter to the BOCC stating its willingness to abide, to the <br /> best of its ability, by what the BOCC decides; as opposed to using water and sewer to prevent <br /> BOCC approved plans from happening. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs said given the limited amount of land for economic development <br /> in Orange County, she would strongly suggest that this site should be used just for economic <br /> development. She said it should not be used for a school, jail or waste transfer station. <br /> Chair Dorosin summarized the concerns. <br /> Commissioner McKee said if this item is delayed, he would like to know how long staff will <br /> need to get the necessary information, and to set a specific time to bring it back. <br /> Michael Harvey said a specific time frame will be needed. He said staff has a laundry list <br /> of comments from the BOCC and the Applicant, to which responses are needed. He said he <br /> anticipates modifications of existing or recommended conditions. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he would like to know if this can come back for a December <br /> meeting. <br /> Michael Harvey said if the BOCC votes to bring this item back in December, staff will be <br /> ready. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if this item will need to go back to the Planning Board. <br /> Michael Harvey said the BOCC has that option, but staff cannot accommodate bringing it <br /> back in December if it goes back to the Planning Board. <br /> Chair Dorosin said this item might need to come back in January, in which case the <br /> Planning Board could weigh in on that which was discussed today. <br /> Commissioner McKee reminded the BOCC that it does not meet until the very end of <br /> January. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Price, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to refer <br /> this item back to the Planning Board for discussion at its December regular meeting, so that staff, <br /> the Applicant and the Planning Board can finesse the conditions that have been discussed; with <br /> the public hearing to be adjourned to the BOCC regular meeting on January 23, 2018. <br />