Orange County NC Website
18 <br /> Michael Harvey said Orange County would offer Sheriff and EMS, with mutual aid <br /> agreements with the Town. He said there would be fire hydrants. <br /> Commissioner Rich referred to the bike lanes, and said the OUTBoard Chair expressed <br /> concerns about leaving enough easements on Old 86 frontage going forward. She suggested <br /> including this topic if this project moves forward. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked Michael Harvey if he could explain the Planning Board process, <br /> and whether the Planning Board had enough time to thoroughly review this item. <br /> Michael Harvey said the Planning Board gets its agenda one week in advance of a <br /> meeting, in accordance with its policies; and there were three neighborhood meetings. <br /> Jim Parker said the first neighborhood meeting was held in September 2016, with two <br /> more in August 2017, and in September 2017. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the lighting plans for this project could be explained, <br /> and if they are low casting lighting. <br /> Michael Harvey said the lighting will have to comply with the County's current lighting <br /> code, which requires fully shielded lights. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked to what extent energy and water efficiency can be <br /> controlled. He asked if incentives or requirements could be put in place. <br /> Jim Parker said the application did not have anything additional built in, but rather followed <br /> the requirements of building codes. He said they would consider any suggested additional <br /> provisions. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos asked if they would entertain a suggestion to add a line of <br /> dense vegetative wall to help with sound and light in the south side of District I. <br /> Jim Parker said this can be added to their landscaping buffer, and would work with staff to <br /> create this. <br /> Commissioner Price referred to the west side of District I, and asked if there is an <br /> expected impact on the waters there, and all the other farmland. <br /> Jim Parker said the map shows blue water bodies, which represent storm water controls. <br /> He said these are non-specific, and meant as a placeholder. He said they may never exist. He <br /> said the area to the west is existing floodplain. <br /> Michael Harvey said these areas will have to be buffered and preserved, as required by <br /> the current code, and cannot be disturbed. <br /> Commissioner Price said she does not like the piecemeal approval process for these <br /> different zoning districts. She asked if a true, comprehensive master plan could be created to <br /> provide the BOCC and the community a fuller picture of information. <br /> Michael Harvey said the BOCC has that, as consistent with the ordinances currently <br /> adopted. <br /> Commissioner Price said she would like a diagram. <br /> Michael Harvey said the BOCC would have to revise the ordinance to require a site- <br /> specific development plan. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if is there any way to have a comprehensive plan to give a <br /> better sense of what is going to go in, and where. <br /> Michael Harvey said not under the way the ordinance is currently written. <br /> Michael Harvey said the staff will review a site specific development plan, which will not <br /> come before the BOCC. <br /> Commissioner Price said staff will review this in pieces. <br /> Michael Harvey said staff will review sites as they are developed. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs asked which EDD is largest, in terms of the tracts of land. <br /> Craig Benedict said under single ownership it is the 138 acres at the flea market site. He <br /> said inquiries often seek site ready sites, of which there are few. He said this project would <br /> become the largest site that the EDDs would be able to offer. <br /> Chair Dorosin clarified that the County owns none of this land, and a developer has to <br /> negotiate with a private landowner to purchase land. <br /> Craig Benedict said yes. <br />