Orange County NC Website
16 <br /> don't. Unfortunate decisions were made in the past that resulted in one food swamp off of 85.... <br /> Let's not allow that to happen again off of 1-40. <br /> Thank you. <br /> Franklin Garland said he has the largest truffle orchard in the country, and his property is <br /> adjacent to District 1, which will directly impact his business. He said his business brings a great <br /> deal of agritourism to the County. He said he received two different conflicting notices from the <br /> planning department; one stating he is impacted by the development, and the other stating he is <br /> not. He said this is a poor location, and he is against this project. <br /> Sherry Appel said she formerly worked on planning issues in Maryland. She said if done <br /> right, this may work; but if not, it may be a potential development disaster. She said it would be a <br /> far better project if the tenants were known, and piecemeal development is not a good idea. <br /> Simona Dunn said she is not supportive of any development at this time with this project, <br /> and agreed with many of the other speakers. <br /> Kevin Nicholson said he is against this project because it is within a mile of his family <br /> farm, and he is concerned how it will affect his farm status and his neighborhood. <br /> Bud Shelton said he served in the Navy in the 1950s, and moved to North Carolina <br /> thereafter. He said it is important to consider the pristine area in which we live, but to also <br /> consider the employment needs of future generations. He said to carve out the good and <br /> eliminate the bad. <br /> Dave Skanga said he is a homeowner in the Cornwallis Hills neighborhood. He said it is <br /> understood that development of some sort is going to happen, but this proposed project is a raw <br /> deal. He said he is against the project, and asked the BOCC not to act hastily. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked about the digging of the water and sewer at end of Davis <br /> Road. <br /> Michael Harvey said that is an emergency water line, and is independent of this project. <br /> Jim Parker, Developer, said he is representing Old 86 Partners, and he has heard from <br /> residents tonight, and at other meetings, about their concerns. He said he has lived in this area <br /> for 35 years, and has supported the desires and direction of both the Town and the County. He <br /> said they are here because of 1-40, and because the County adopted the three EDDs years ago <br /> when this road was created. He commended the Planning Department for its thorough, fair and <br /> neutral efforts. <br /> Jim Parker said they have responded to what the EDD asked for, which are the same <br /> uses that were in the land use plan to begin with, or were added by the elected bodies. He said <br /> this is not a rushed project. His company became aware of one parcel of land four years ago, <br /> and since that time they have been working with landowners to assemble the 274 acres. He said <br /> they have put together the third part of the puzzle, which is site ready development. He said site <br /> ready development requires good transportation; utilities; and a mass of property that will attract <br /> tenants. <br /> Jim Parker said, if approved, this opportunity could attract some large economic <br /> development users, with an optimistic $6 million tax benefit to the County. He said $3 million <br /> would not be bad either, and property taxes may not go down, but would likely level out. He said <br /> there is no desire to compete with Daniel Boone or downtown Hillsborough. He said this is an <br /> interstate development. <br /> Jim Parker referred to the concerns about the buffer, and offered to mitigate their request <br /> specifically for the District 2 area along 1-40, from the termini of the ramp up until the mid way <br /> point, which is about 1200 feet. He said there is over 4000 feet of MTC buffer in the proposed <br /> development. He said they do not need to thin on light industrial property on the west side. He <br /> said they do not intend for thinning in the southern part of the buffer either. <br /> He referred to the bike lanes, and connectivity. He said there is very little room on 86, under the <br /> 1-40 bridges. He said in the near future, 3-5 years, 1-40 will be widened, which will provide <br /> opportunity to work with the Department of Transportation (DOT) to provide some additional <br /> clearance under the bridges, and they would work towards making this happen. He said there <br />