Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Applicant Interest Listing by Board Name and by Applicant Name <br /> Contact Person: James Spivey <br />HumQn ReL[ZliOl1S L'OIitI7llSSlO/t <br /> Contact Phone: 919-9G0-3874 <br />MS SLIS1O MOITOW Day Phone. 919-7G7-2.312 Sex: hen"'Ic <br />4523 Mill Creel: Rd Evening Phone: 919-5G3-259G Race: AI}ican American <br />CedarGrove NC 27231 FAX: Township: Cedar Grove <br /> E-maih smorrowG58 +?yahoo com Date Applied; OS/I G/2005 <br />Skills: Technology Field Also Serves On: Inlbnnatimr Technology Advisory Committee <br />MS. 1`,811118 NiCI]OIS Day Phone: 919-5G3-4773 Scs: Female <br />565G Preston Loop Evening Phone: 33G-2G6-9993 Race: AGican American <br />Mcbanc NC 27302 FAX: 919-5G3-9881 Township: Chccla <br /> E-mail: nichols n mebtel net Date Applied: 07/1 $/2005 <br />Skills: Nun-Profit Agency Nso Serves On: <br />Skills: Registered Nurse Nso Scrvcs On: <br />Ml'. l~IbCl'1 E, PC~OC]11111 Day Phane: 919-95G- Sox; Male <br /> 307 N English Bill Lane Evening Phone: 919-489-3GW R-CC: Caucasian <br /> Iiillsborough NC ?7278 FAQ: Township: Iiills'borough <br /> E-mail: Date Applied: 04/I $/2005 <br /> Skills: Actor Nso Serves On: <br /> Skills: Athletic Also Serves On: <br /> Skills: 8 f 1 Also Scrvcs On: <br /> Shills: Iiuir Dresser Also Serves On: <br /> Skills: Special Populations Activity Assismnt Also Serves On: <br />._ <br />Ml' -_ _._... _-._.-._ _._.. ........_ <br />, RObCI"1 PO11~C8 Y <br />Day Phone: <br />919-942-3945 <br />Se%: <br />Mule <br /> 5208 Orange Grove Rd Evening Phone: 919-942-3945 Race: Other <br /> Hillsborough NC 27278 FAX: Township: 6inghum <br /> E-mail: pnrrecarl n yahoo com Date Applied: 04/17/2006 <br /> Skins: Public Service Experience Also Scrvcs On: <br />MI" . T11O11185 WICdCn781111 Day Phone: 919-923-012(1 Sex: Male <br /> 159 Hamilton Rd Evening Phone: 919-933-5668 Race: Caucasian <br /> Chapel Hill NC 27117 FAQ: Township: Chapel hill <br /> E-mail olycoyote n,hntmail com Date Applied: 09/03/2005 <br /> Skills: Community Service Volunlecr Nso Scrvcs On: <br /> Skills: GLI3T Issues Volunlecr Nso Scrvcs On: <br />Monday, tune 19, 2006 Page 4 of 5 <br />