Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> EXCERPT FROM THE APPROVED BOCC MINUTES-NOVEMBER 9, 2017 <br /> Commissioner McKee said to start the term limits anew, not retroactively. <br /> Chair Dorosin said the combining of options C and D seems most favorable, with two- <br /> year term limits, a round robin process, and collegial conversation. He said option E could be <br /> added, but that does not seem well supported by the BOCC. He asked if the Clerk could bring <br /> this back for approval and the Board agreed. <br /> Chair Dorosin said he wanted to bring up one more housekeeping item: when the Board <br /> votes for Chair/Vice Chair in December, it is done via a written ballot that is given to the Clerk; <br /> the Clerk reads the votes, but never states who voted for whom. He said he finds this to be <br /> inappropriate, and akin to a secret ballot. He said the votes are public record, but he thinks the <br /> votes, and who cast them, should be read aloud. <br /> Commissioner McKee said it is available to the public as a public record anyway. <br /> Chair Dorosin asked if there is a reason that the Clerk should not read this information <br /> aloud, as it allows for greater transparency. <br /> Commissioner Burroughs agreed with Chair Dorosin. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if a written ballot is even necessary, or is a show of hands <br /> acceptable. <br /> John Roberts said the action will be reflected in the minutes, which is the official record. <br /> He said other boards have used electronic voting, which shows up on the video screen of the <br /> meeting. <br /> Commissioner Price said if the intention is to see who is voting for whom, then there is <br /> no need for a ballot; a raising of hands will suffice. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said any changes should be added to a future agenda for a vote. <br /> The Clerk will provide an abstract at the November 20th meeting. <br />