Orange County NC Website
13 <br />Applicant Interest Listing <br />Economic Development Con:rnission <br />Mr. Thomas Guest <br />101 I Maple Ridge Drive <br />Chapcl Bill NC 27516 <br />Skills: Community Service Volunteer <br />Skills: Insurance <br />Ms L,ilyn I-Iester <br />907 Kenion Road <br />Iiillsborough NC 27278 <br />Skills: Cedar Grove Iotuttship <br />Skills: fonncrOC GDC nunthcr <br />Mr. Chris Hogan <br />117 12cdbud Lanc <br />Chapcl Flill NC 27514 <br />Shills: <br />Skills: Farmer <br />Skills: Real Hslatc <br />by Board Name and by Applicant Name <br />Contact Person: <br />Contact Pbone: <br />Day Phooc: 919-593-0869 <br />Evening Phone: 919-929-.3499 <br />FAX: 919-960-371 I <br />E-mail tgucstinsurancc~6ellsoulh ncl <br />Also Scrves On: <br />Also Scrves On: <br />Day Phone: 919-644-I1CG <br />Evening Phone: 919-644-2309 <br />FAX: <br />Entail: lilynhcstcr a yahoo com <br />Nsn serves on: <br />niso Scrves On: <br />Dianne Reid <br />~I~-z4s,z3ze <br />Scx. Male <br />Race: Caucasian <br />Township: Chapcl Bill <br />Date Applied: 04/18/2005 <br />Sex: female <br />Race: AGican American <br />Township: Cedar Grove <br />Date Applicd: 05/31/2006 <br />Day Phone: 913-2521 Sex: Male <br />Evening Phone: 919-933-.3004 Race: Caucasian <br />PAX: Township: Chapcl l-till <br />E-mail: chrishogant «carthlink net Date Applied: OS/OS/2006 <br />Also Scrves On: Agricultural Caner lvork Group <br />Mr. Wilhatn R. ICa1Sel" Doy Phone: 919-933-9794 Sox: Mule <br />2112 Markham Dr Evening Phone: 919-933-9794 Race: Caucasian <br />Chapcl Iiill NC 27514 FAX: Township: Chapcl Flill <br /> E-mail: w_mckaiser n,hotmail com Date Applied: 04/12/2004 <br />Skills: Ecologist Also Scrves On: Commission for the Environment <br />Skills: Hydrogcolgic/Gcochmical L--nvirnmnlat <br />Skills: Peace Corps <br />Mr..Sat7l L,aSI'tS Day Phonr. 434-797-_3a7 Sox: Male <br />7020 Caviness lordun Rd Evening Phone: 919-732-7362 Race: Caucasian <br />Cedar Gove NC 27231 FAX: Township: Cedar Grove <br /> E-mail: santlasris «hotmail com Dntc Applicd: 03/30/2004 <br />Skills: Dcntisl Nso Scrves On: Orungc County Planning 13ourd <br /> Nso Scrves On: Orange Unilicd Transporlalion Advisory f3oard <br />Monday, lone 19, 2006 Pagc 3 0l 5 <br />