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6 <br /> 1 • Applicant provided a basic environmental assessment as part of this submittal. Staff has <br /> 2 reviewed and determined there ought to be no significant environmental impact(s) from <br /> 3 this project. <br /> 4 0 Buff recommended condlltllon form all envllronuincni ll liuinpaci statement (IC: II ( Il be <br /> 5 prepared f r II II t311i i u h II n t3 us R uin li t II t3„ <br /> 6 • Proposed development is consistent with existing and anticipated development within <br /> 7 the area. <br /> 8 • Land uses are compatible. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Planning Board Comment(s): <br /> 11 • Reviewed item at its October 4, 2017 regular meeting, <br /> 12 • Voted to recommend approval with the imposition of conditions as recommended by the <br /> 13 applicant, staff, and Board members, <br /> 14 • Recommended conditions are contained in Attachment 11. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Recommendation: <br /> 17 The Administration recommends the Board: <br /> 18 1. Receive the proposal. <br /> 19 2. Conduct the public hearing and accept comments. <br /> 20 3. Close the public hearing. (Note that, because this is a legislative decision, additional <br /> 21 comments at a later date are permitted). <br /> 22 4. Decide on one of the following options: <br /> 23 a. Adopt Statement of Consistency (Attachment 10), Ordinance amending <br /> 24 the Zoning Atlas and imposing conditions (Attachment 11); <br /> 25 b. Defer a decision to a later BOCC regular meeting date; <br /> 26 INKYTIE.: 11-11 1) tlh e uin St h u°usduu"t us rsu of actllon to dd u����r <br /> 27 modfficatllon of condlltllons to ddre S ApplIlleant uinuinuni siconcern s„ <br /> 28 or to uITe :t: new ndlltllons as recommended by the I130CC„ <br /> 29 a. Refer the item back to the Planning Board for a specific purpose; or <br /> 30 b. Deny the proposed amendments. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Commissioner McKee made a statement to the Board of County Commissioners as <br /> 33 related to his current employment with Summit Engineering. He said he sought direction from <br /> 34 the County Attorney as whether he should recuse himself from this item, and received the <br /> 35 following legal opinion below. He read North Carolina General Statute 153A-340(g), and said <br /> 36 the Attorney concluded that he may not recuse himself from this matter. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Commissioner McKee- <br /> 39 You asked for an opinion on whether you need to recuse yourself from voting on this issue due <br /> 40 to the fact that you work for Summit Engineering. You informed me you don't have an interest <br /> 41 in the properties underlying the Settler's Point project, that in your employment you have not <br /> 42 worked on or had involvement with the project, that your compensation from Summit is not <br /> 43 related to or dependent on this project, that you will receive no bonuses related to this project, <br /> 44 and that your employment is not dependent on or at risk from the fact that you may or may not <br /> 45 vote on the project. Given these facts my analysis is as follows. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 The default position for determining whether you must vote on a particular agenda item is that <br /> 48 you as a county commissioner have a duty to vote pursuant to G.S. 153A-44 which provides <br /> 49 that the board may excuse a member from voting "only upon questions involving the member's <br /> 50 own financial interest or official conduct or on matters on which the member is prohibited from <br /> 51 voting under G.S. 14-234, 153A-340(g)..." This item is not a matter of your official conduct and <br /> 52 G.S. 14-234, which deals with contracts, is not applicable. The remaining consideration, that of <br /> 53 your financial interest or G.S. 153A-340(g) is what must be analyzed. In this situation the <br /> 54 question of your financial interest, which otherwise is a separate consideration, is directly <br />