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4 <br /> • Options for authorizing the board of county commissioners to intervene in program <br /> administration prior to the state assuming direct control of service delivery. —� <br /> • <br /> The second report is due by February 1, 2019 and must include: <br /> • Recommendations regarding legislative and regulatory changes necessary to improve <br /> collaboration between counties. Specifically, the recommendations must address <br /> information sharing, conflicts of interest, and intercounty movement of clients. <br /> • A vision for transitioning the State from a county-administered system to a regionally- <br /> administered system. <br /> It is important to note that earlier versions of the legislation would have required the state to <br /> implement a regionally-administered social services system. The version of the law that was <br /> adopted requires regional supervision, and directs the working group to consider the issue of <br /> regional administration. <br /> Part II. Reforming State Supervision and Accountability <br /> This part directs the Office of State Budget and Management (OSBM), in consultation with <br /> DHHS, to contract with an outside organization (contractor) to develop a plan to reform the <br /> State supervision and accountability for the social services system. It identifies two components <br /> of the plan: system reform and child welfare reform. These components are described in more <br /> detail below. The contractor is required to submit a preliminary report to the General Assembly <br /> 180 days after the contract is finalized. After that report, the contractor must submit bimonthly <br /> progress reports. DHHS is required to submit preliminary recommendations for legislative <br /> change by October 1, 2018 and may submit supplemental recommendations as necessary. <br /> System reform plan <br /> The contractor will be required to evaluate the role of the state, develop a new vision and <br /> strategic direction for the social services system, and develop a plan for reforming the overall <br /> system to improve outcomes, supervision, and accountability. It must also develop a plan <br /> related to data collection and use and create a Dashboard using data from the NC FAST system. <br /> The purpose of the Dashboard is to serve as a report card for the public to see how the local <br /> departments are performing. The contractor is also required to develop a plan for continuous <br /> quality improvement (C{}|). <br /> In the context of the system reform plan, the contractor will be required to review policies and <br /> procedures to identify changes necessary to support reform. It will also need to provide <br /> ongoing evaluation and oversight of DHHS's implementation of system reform. <br /> Page 2—September 25 2017 <br />