Agenda - 06-27-2006-9e1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-27-2006
Agenda - 06-27-2006-9e1
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8/29/2008 5:59:01 PM
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8/29/2008 9:38:00 AM
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• Third Action: The County Board of Commissioners considers approval of the preliminary <br />plat to allow the applicant to begin work on the required public improvements. <br />COMMENTS FROM THE MAY 3, 2006 PLANNING BOARD MEETING (Staff response in <br />italics) <br />• The yield analysis is different when the original lots of record are not considered, Why <br />has not Planning staff applied the required open space percentage (33%) to the lots of <br />record, rather than just the proposed subdivided parcels? <br />Open space is calculated on the actual subdivision acreage, not on acreage outside of <br />the plan, <br />Are the fire suppression recommendations aCounty requirement? <br />• This falls under the general category of `insuring the public health, safety and welfare ; <br />which is a valid subdivision issue, <br />• What authority does the Planning Board have regarding the use of groundwater resulting <br />from subdivided lots and what are the appropriate thresholds? <br />• The Planning Board and staff determine basic subdivision density and impervious <br />cover using zoning district minimum lot sizes and watershed density formulas. In lieu of more <br />specific groundwater usage standards, these density regulations indirectly address <br />groundwater usage rates, There is no county agency with explicit authority to regulate <br />groundwater usage. <br />• The issues of swapping impervious cover on lots within a platted subdivision. <br />• Impervious surface is calculated for the entire gross acreage and maybe allocated, <br />within the subdivision, on a lot-by-fot basis, This figure is disclosed on the final plat <br />and also in the Declarations of Development Restrictions and Requirements. <br />FISCAL IMPACT: The Fiscal Impact Analysis is included as an attachment. <br />STAFF FINDINGS: <br />1. The proposed development is compatible with the use and densities suggested in the <br />Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. <br />2, The proposed development complies with the Subdivision standards relating to open <br />space percentage and acres, the type of open space and roadway design. <br />3, The proposed development complies with the Zoning Ordinance regarding minimum <br />lot size, impervious cover, and density. <br />4. Aright turn deceleration lane is appropriate far the entrance into Jones Ferry Road. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS: Administration recommends Approval of the Preliminary Plan in <br />accordance with the attached Resolution of Approval. <br />Planning Board recommends Approval of the Preliminary Plan <br />in accordance with the attached Resolution of Approval. <br />
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