Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID: F2DB1674-AA6D-453A-B70D-6DCB03165838 <br /> BOIL /5l <br /> PROPOSAL FOR STUDY TO RECONCILE ORANGE COUNTY SPACE NEEDS INTO 1510 NC HIGHWAY 86 N <br /> DATE: November 13, 2017 <br /> CLIENT: Orange County, NC <br /> ARCHITECT: EA Studio Architecture + Interiors <br /> PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br /> The goal of this study is to review if the Spaces outlined for the "Orange County Environmental and <br /> Agricultural Center Preliminary Study prepared by HH Architecture dated January 12, 2017," additional <br /> spaces for the Parks and Recreation, Warehouse Spaces and a 100 to 200 seat multipurpose meeting <br /> space can be reconciled with the property at 1510 NC Highway 86 as outlined in the "Preliminary <br /> Property Evaluation—Summary Points, 1510 NC Highway 86 N Orange County, NC" <br /> There are three specific options that will be reviewed: <br /> OPTION 1: Reconcile the work of HH Architecture to the structures. <br /> Option 2: Reconcile the work of HH Architecture and the Parks and Recreation Department to the <br /> structures. Parks and Recreation includes 2,500 sq.ft. of open office space and 10,000 sq.ft. of <br /> warehouse space. <br /> OPTION 3: Reconcile the work of HH Architecture, the Parks and Recreation, and a multipurpose <br /> meeting space to accommodate 100 to 200 people. Multi-purpose meeting spaces that allow for chairs <br /> and tables, requires 15 sq.ft. per person, indicating that between 1,500 to 3,000 sq.ft. will be required. <br /> We anticipate providing sketches as necessary of the various options and how they can fit into the <br /> existing structure. We will try to coordinate the findings of the Structural and Mechanical Engineers into <br /> our program layouts. <br /> STAFF: This contract is expected to involve only the time of Tommy Wing Architect AIA or Statler <br /> Gilfillen,Architect MBA. Should that change, Orange County will be notified. <br /> COST: This contract is not to exceed $4,500 and $100 ($4,600 total fixed cost)for reimbursable or <br /> additional costs. <br /> ADDITIONAL SERVICES Items that go beyond the scope of work described above would be considered as <br /> additional services. If requested and approved in writing or by email by Orange County, additional <br /> services can be performed on an hourly basis, at the rate of$95 per hour. <br /> REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES Expenses incurred that are directly related to this project will be billed for at <br /> a rate of 1.15 times cost. Reimbursable expenses would include such items as printing company costs <br /> and mileage. Mileage will be based on $0.54 per mile. Invoices of engineering and,other consultants <br /> would also be considered as reimbursable expenses, if the client requests that their proposals and <br />