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<br />Memorandum <br />TO: County Commissioners <br />From: Pam .lanes, Director of Purchasing and Central Services <br />RE: Central Orange Senior Center/Sportsplex Proposed Design <br />Date June 21, 2006 <br />This matter is being brought to the Board for review at this time to assure timely <br />approval of the plan so that work may proceed with finalizing the design and cost <br />elements over the summer. <br />The Board will recall that the Triangle Sportsplex facility was purchased by Orange <br />County in December of 2005, Based on studies conducted in 2004 and 2005, the <br />Sportsplex was acquired in anticipation of adding the Central Orange Senior Center <br />facility to the existing Sportsplex facility in order to bring operating efficiencies to the <br />overall site and to provide the citizens of Orange County, especially its Seniors, with a <br />unique facility. <br />From January through May 2006, the Board-appointed Central Orange Senior Center <br />Design Committee worked with Corley Redfoot Zack (CRZ), the project architect to <br />formulate design plans for the new Center, As a reminder, the design committee <br />includes approximately fifteen citizens, (several of whom are seniors who will utilize the <br />facility), Commissioners Halkiotis and Jacobs, County Manager John Link and several <br />other staff members. The proposed design is presented for Board of Commissioners <br />approval. <br />Early on the project contemplated construction of approximately 10,000 square feet of <br />new space for the Senior Center, with approximately 5,000 square feet of existing <br />activity area to be used by both the Senior Center and the Sportsplex, However, it <br />became apparent during the initial meeting of the design committee that the amount of <br />programming envisioned by the seniors would preclude sharing space. The seniors <br />also expressed a strong desire to not share the space, As a result, the space plan <br />proffered for discussion includes 10,000 square feet of newly constructed space and <br />5,000 square feet of space within the Sportsplex that will be dedicated exclusively to the <br />senior center. <br />The plan presented also includes approximately 4,166 square feet of space for the Adult <br />Day Health Center (ADHC), presently co-located with the Central Orange Senior Center <br />in leased space at the Meadowlands, Not only will this maintain the synergy between <br />ADHC and the senior center programs, the County will experience significant savings in <br />rent over the life of the building. <br />These design assumptions will effectively reduce the amount of square footage <br />available for the Sportsplex operations by approximately 7,500 square feet, Programs <br />that would be adversely impacted include, but are not limited to: fitness classes <br />(aerobics for example), Kidsplex, summer and seasonal camp programs and locker <br />rooms for hockey teams that use the facility, The revenue for the Sportsplex would be <br />significantly impacted if this amount of space were permanently eliminated since many <br />1 <br />