Orange County NC Website
221 Scott Radway: Can historic properties in receiving areas use the TDR? <br />222 <br />223 Staff: Yes. <br />224 <br />225 <br />226 Administration <br />227 <br />228 Vicki Bott: There aren't any issues that say "no" tc the program's feasibility. These are <br />229 mainly policy preference questions to be answered in a different phase. Public <br />2.30 communication is a critical component in the next phase. We feel that private market <br />231 negotiations are better than pre-set prices, Also coordination with other County <br />2.32 programs that are available is necessary. <br />2.3.3 <br />2.34 Craig Benedict: Could the Steering Committee comment on the type of approval that <br />2.35 they think would he palatable? <br />236 <br />237 Vicki Bott: We want the group to define that, If the members of the group could <br />238 individually email Glenn Bowles by .June 13 with specific things in the summary where <br />2.39 you have strong opinions, concerns or questions, so we can incorporate these <br />240 comments into the upcoming presentation to the Commissioners. <br />241 <br />242 Renee Price-Saunders: How will know what will be taken to the BOCC? Will we be <br />24.3 able to review the revised report as a group before the Commissioners' meeting? <br />244 <br />245 Vicki Bott: This group will give an overall recommendation to the Commissioners based <br />246 on tonight's meeting, so there won't need to be feedback to the group after individual <br />247 comments are made. <br />248 <br />249 Renee Price-Saunders: Have you looked at the feasibility in certain nodes? Have small <br />250 area plans been considered? <br />251 <br />252 Vicki Bott: Yes, this was a determining factor as we've gone through this process, as <br />25.3 the program needs to help further the goals of the Hades. <br />254 <br />255 Scott Radway: What are the other criteria to be considered in valuing properties? <br />256 <br />257 Vicki Bott: These are identified in the design phase. When we look at the Hades, we <br />258 need to acknowledge that some form of water and sewer needs to be provided to <br />259 promote growth in these areas. <br />260 <br />261 Bill Barrett (realtor from Public Meeting): Do you know how many TDR programs have <br />262 failed, and what have been the implications? Alsc, there seems to be is a problem with <br />26.3 communication to the public. Of the 40 attendees at the public meeting, the majority of <br />264 them were staff members. The information is not getting out to the public. Those <br />265 people most affected by the program (land owners and realtors) have not received <br />266 information, <br />