Orange County NC Website
Additional Transit <br />These are costs that are not included in the county plan transit costs. The transit <br />funding match is a regional cost for the state capital match for the Durham-Orange Light <br />Rail Transit project. <br /> <br />The extension of the CRT and LRT are regional funds that the MPO assumes will be <br />available for transit capital and other expenses in the last decade of the 2045 MTP. <br />Currently, the STI regional funds are capped at 10% of the total project cost for transit <br />projects, which would not allow the STI funding to be used for these extensions. <br />However, the MPO assumes that this restriction would be repealed as urban areas like <br />those in the MPO become increasingly reliant on public transportation to provide <br />sustainable transportation. <br /> <br />Revenue Table <br /> <br />STI/Local/Private <br />The STI revenues are based on the Optimistic financial scenario and abide by the STI <br />requirements and methodology throughout the entire 2045 MTP, or the year 2045. <br /> <br />Maintenance revenues match the costs. Local funding are estimates based on the <br />current 2040 MTP and a modest growth rate. CMAQ funding is based on the STI. <br />Private funding is mostly summed from the 2045 MTP highway projects that are <br />expected to be constructed by private concerns. <br /> <br />Transit <br />The transit costs and revenues are based on the Durham County Transit Plan and <br />Orange County Transit Plan that were recently updated in 2017. <br /> <br /> <br />Balance Table <br /> <br />This table is a tool to help guide changes in the project lists and financial plan during the <br />public input period of the Preferred Option. It shows the balance (i.e., revenue minus <br />cost) by STI tier and decade. The values in parenthesis are negative, meaning that the <br />costs are greater than the revenues. <br /> <br />Page 32 <br />Technical Committee 10/25/2017 Item 5 49