Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:0E0892A5-AB8C-4E61-8B53-2125B8922B1C XHIBIT A <br /> PROVIDER'S OUTSIDE AGENCY APPLICATION <br /> Kidzu's proposed "Community Connections" program will unite multiple community <br /> partners to support what the Harvard Family Research Project refers to as <br /> "Complementary Learning." As communicated, "Complementary learning refers to the idea <br /> that school and life success requires an array of learning supports. These learning <br /> supports include families, early childhood programs, and social service <br /> agencies...museums, and other community-based institutions. To be most effective, these <br /> supports should complement one another, moving out of the silos and working together to <br /> create an integrated, accessible set of community-wide resources that support learning <br /> and development." (Weiss, H.B. Complementary Learning. The Evaluation Exchange. Vol <br /> XI, No. 1. Spring, 2005. Harvard Family Research Project.) <br /> To achieve this goal Kidzu's "Community Connections" program will follow a two-pronged <br /> approach: <br /> 1. Outreach: Provide specialty STEM based programs supplementing existing pre- <br /> school, after school and summer programs working in underserved communities. <br /> 2. Access: Provide opportunities for family engagement through special programs at <br /> the museum, free access to the museum and out-of-school time program <br /> scholarships. These programs will target families from partner agencies engaged in <br /> our outreach programming. <br /> For the specific program services for Orange County see above table. <br /> e) Describe the community need or problem to be addressed in relation to the Chapel <br /> Hill Human Services Needs Assessment, Orange County BOCC Goals and <br /> Priorities, Town of Chapel Hill Council Goals, Carrboro Board Priorities, or other <br /> community priorities (i.e. Council/Board Goals). Reference local data (using the <br /> provided links, i.e. Chapel Hill Human Services Needs Assessment) to support the <br /> need for this program. <br /> The need for quality out-of-school time enrichment programming is particularly great for <br /> the 13.4% of children who live in poverty in Orange County. Family income is an important <br /> determinant of access to quality education, with children from working poor families <br /> typically having the least access (Child Care Services Association (2005). North Carolina <br /> Early Childhood Systems Study.). North Carolina children from low income backgrounds <br /> fare worse than their economically advantaged peers in many regards. They tend to have <br /> poorer health, are less likely to be read to as young children, are less likely to take part in <br /> after-school activities, and are more likely to repeat a grade (North Carolina Child <br /> Advocacy Institute. (Dec. 2005) "Outcomes by Income: Low-income children fare worse on <br /> many indicators."). For this segment the quality of early education settings varies greatly <br /> (particularly in pre-schools and child care settings) and they do not have equal access to <br /> high quality education. In North Carolina, working poor families and those with limited <br /> English proficiency are most likely to be receiving inadequate early education <br /> opportunities (Child Care Services Association (2005). Ibid). <br /> Addressing Orange County's need to provide education opportunities for at-risk children, <br /> Kidzu plans to deepen its existing outreach, targeting specific neighborhoods and invest in <br /> relationship-building with families living in these neighborhoods to help them better access <br /> PROGRAM INFORMATION 2/9/2017 1:27:17 PM P g 1 "' of 30 <br />