Orange County NC Website
124 <br /> buffer as detailed in Section 6.13 of the Unified Development Ordinance <br /> (UDO) on a bona fide farm. <br /> b. A Board member asked what a Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM) is and <br /> how are they produced. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: The FIRM is the official map on which FEMA has <br /> delineated the special flood hazard areas (SFHA) applicable to a specific <br /> community, which include the following information: <br /> • Common physical features (i.e. highways, roadways, railroads, <br /> water features, etc.), <br /> • Identified SFHAs, <br /> • Base flood elevations (BFE) or anticipated depth of flooding for <br /> given areas, <br /> • Flood insurance risk zones, and <br /> • Areas subject to inundation by the 500-year flood. <br /> FIRMs are created by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) <br /> officials at both the State and Federal level(s) after an analysis of the flood <br /> hazards in a given area are studied and evaluated. <br /> This study/evaluation is commonly referred to as a Flood Insurance <br /> Survey (FIS), prepared by FEMA, providing an analysis of the flood <br /> hazards in a given community. Once completed the FIS report contains <br /> detailed flood elevation data for the community in both flood profiles and <br /> data tables. <br /> c. A Board member asked if the elimination of the Special Flood Hazard <br /> Area Overlay District will negatively impact our flood management <br /> program. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: There should be no impact. Flood data will still be <br /> displayed on County GIS system(s) which can be viewed <br /> at: htts://gis.oranciecountync.ciov:3443/orancieNCGIS/default.htm. <br /> d. A Board member asked if these amendment(s) will alter the County's <br /> floodplain management outreach program. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: No. Staff will continue to send annual letters to local <br /> property owners outlining the services we offer as part of our floodplain <br /> program. <br /> e. A Board member asked if there is an increase in the identified floodplain in <br /> Orange County. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: The new FIRM denotes an increase in identified <br /> floodplain on several parcels of property as well as a measurable <br /> reduction for some parcels. This is the result in more accurate models, <br /> completed as part of the FIS, denoting those areas where flooding is <br /> possible throughout the area. <br />