Orange County NC Website
<br />TAX ANU IN~UKANCii Y:SCALAT'tON <br />9 Tenant shall pay upon domand as additional rental during the term of this Lea>c. and :toy cx.tcnsion or renewal tbercotl <br />The emount by which all taxes (ineludin~ but not limited ro. ad valorem taxes special ~tssessmcnts ^nd ;my nthu <br />;~uvcmmcntul chnr._~cs) nn the Premises tar each ttx year exceed all taxes on the I'rcmiscs Inr the ux year NJA or <br />All axes (including, but not limited to, ad valorem taxes. special assessments and any o[har Governmental charges) nn thz <br />Pn:mi:;es for each tax year <br />In the event the Premises ate less than die entire property assessed for such taxes Ibr any such tax yea, then [he tax for auy such <br />year applicable to the Premi.acs shall be determined by proration on the basis th;rt Ute rentable 11eor area of the Premises hears <br />io the rentable flour :vea of the enire property asesvcJ~ II the final year of the lease form fails to coincide with die tax yeas <br />than any cscess for the tax. year during which the term ands shall be reduecJ by the pro Yam part u!' such tax year beyond the <br />Lcaso term If such taxes for the year in which the Lease terminates are not ascenainablc before payment of the last month's rentah <br />then the amount of ouch taxes assessed against the property for the previous tnx year shall be used as a basis for de[enninint~ the <br />nru rra share, if nny. to be paid by'fenant for that portion of the last !.case yrv. Tcnanl =hall further pay upon dcmnnd ~r, addiunnnl <br />rental ducin{; the term of this, and any cxtcnxion or renewal thereof: <br />the excess cost of fire and extended coverage insurance including, nny and all public li;tbiliry insurance nn the builduvt <br />over the cult of the f int yc:rr of the Loose term Inr c;mlr suhsryucnl year durinf, the icon ul`lhix !.case: or <br />all tiro and extended coverege insurance including any and all public liability insut:utce on the building. <br />In the cvem the Prerniscs aro Iesv than the ontire property, then the in,vuranec payable by ~Tenanl !br the Premises shall br: <br />dctcnnincd by proration on the b:tiis drat the rentable floor ;vea of the Promises boors w the rentable !loot area of die cntirr: prapcrty. <br />'tenant shall pay all taxes and insurance as provided herein within fifteen (IS) days after receipt of notice, fron{ Landlord as to the <br />amount due. Tenant shall be Solely responsible fur insuring l'cnuni s personal and business property and for paying any taxes or <br />;tovcrnmcntal assessments levied thereon <br />indemnity; Insurance <br />10 To the extent permitted by Iaw ;rnd inxumncc politics oovcrinlt die Tenam, "T'enanl ;rrrcuz to :md hereby dues indemnify and <br />save Landlord harmless again.! <dl claims fur damages to pcrsous or progeny by reason of 7un;utt's use of occupancy of the <br />Premises, and all cxpcnaes incurred by Landlord because thereof, including annrncy's ices and coup costa.. <br />The County may in iu sole discretion and at its own expnrvse, aeyuin. carry :utd maintain comprehensive general liability <br />insurance in an amount nor less than 51,000.000 for personal injury or death and $1,0110,000 for prapcrty damage. Should die <br />County elect to prnvute covcrat~c, proof of insurance shall Ix: provided [n nc~ Landlord and nc~ landlord will be mmcd as ;m <br />additional insured for uxpoxurts created by dtc Lcasc. <br />Itlil'AIRS f3Y 1,,\NI)LOKll <br />I I Landlord agrees to kscp in gaud ropair the roof, loundaonn and zxturiur watts uYthc. 1'remucs (excluavc of ;dl ;;las and cxc u:rvc <br />of alt exterior doors) and under6rround utility and sewer pipes outside the exterior walls of the building, except repairs rendered <br />necessary by the noltligcncc nr intentional wronttful acts of Temmt, n5 agents. employees or invitoe5~ if the Pretniscs arc pare u( o <br />larger building or group of huitdin4t+, then to the extent that nc~ r;rounds arc common arms. Lendlnrd sh;dl nunnain the fgau,J. <br />surrounding the building, including paving, the mowing of yn'ass, Dare of shrubs and general landscaping Te:uwt shall promptly report <br />m writing to 1 andlnrd ony dekclivc condition known to it which l,andlurd is rcquireJ to rcp:ur and failure to report such conditions <br />shall nmkc'1"chant responsible to Landlord for any liability incurted by Lundlm~d by reason ul'such conditions. <br />Yagc 3 of $ <br />~~ ' <br />feuant initials ~. <br />if <br />i,-.4,,,, r+n'+<~rev Fnrnruletv~"rm~, ~.on~.,., <br />l ' <br />Landlord Initials }. ~' 1 <br />tit ANDAIZD FORM 590-i <br />D 7Rd0? <br />eW4164o27 <br />