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F. VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT DESIGNATIO - WALTERS FARM <br />The Board approved and authorized the Chair to sign the conservation <br />agreement, after review by the County Attorney and the Land Records Manager <br />to assure that the description of the property in Exhibit A. -is proper, which <br />designates the property of Victor Carl - Walters, Sr., Lucille Walters, Victor <br />Carl, Walters, Jr., and Elizabeth T. Walters as a voluntary agricultural <br />district. <br />G. .VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT DESIGNATION- CRUTCHFIELD PROPERTY <br />The Board apgtoved-and- authorized the Chair to sign the conservation <br />agreement, after review and approval -by the .County Attorney and the Land - <br />Records Manager to assure that the property owners and /or representatives, <br />and the -d- ascription of the property in Exhibit A are - proper, which designates <br />the property of Crutchfield Heirs as a voluntary agricultural district. <br />H. IDENTIFICATION SIGN - VOLUNTARY AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT <br />The Board approved the design for an identification sign announcing <br />the location of a voluntary agricultural district. <br />VOTE ON THE CONSENT AGENDA: UNANIMOUS <br />ITEM REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA <br />B. PERSONNEL ORDINANCE REVISION <br />amendment has been placed in the Personnel Ordinance cceRloatedlNn theS(This <br />Clerk's <br />Office) . <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Willhoit, seconded by Commissioner <br />Insko to approve the draft revisions to Article 11, Section 5.2 and Article <br />I, Section 4.37 as they relate to temporary positions. The temporary <br />employment category will continue to exist and there will continue to be <br />temporary employees. Temporary appointments will not continue beyond one <br />year except as specified in the policy. The use of temporary employees on <br />a continuing basis beyond one year to work 20 hours or more each workweek <br />Will end. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />IV. RESOLUTIONS PROCLAMATIONS <br />A. ACCESS TO POTENTIAL LANDFILL SITES <br />County Manager John Link presented for the Board's consideration of <br />approval a resolution and interlocal agreement between Orange County and the <br />Towns of Carrboro and Chapel Hill that authorize the Town of Chapel Hill to <br />act on behalf of the jurisdictions comprising the Landfill Owners' Group in <br />exercising the statutory authority granted to each jurisdiction to conduct <br />testing of potential sites for a sanitary landfill. The Landfill Site Search <br />Committee (LSSC) has identified four potential landfill sites that will <br />require subsurface testing for further evaluation of the suitability of each <br />site. The results of this testing would permit development of preliminary <br />engineering plans and cost estimates. These would allow the LSSC to compare <br />alternative sites along the lines of social implications, capital and <br />operating costs, and environmental effects. The County has authority under <br />GS 40A -11 to enter upon lands specified for the purpose of making surveys, <br />borings, examinations and appraisals as may be necessary or expedient in <br />