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61 <br />multiple property owners together and retaining a major investor, <br />the applicants have requested that a special public hearing be set. <br />Rather than considering the University Station application at a <br />public hearing other than that scheduled for February, 1993, an <br />amendment to Section is proposed -to build in the <br />flexibility needed by both private citizens and the County to <br />consider principal amendments out of sequence. <br />EXISTING ORDINANCE PROVISIONS: See attached provisions. <br />PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROVISIONS: The proposed amendment to Section <br /> affects only the first sentence of the second paragraph. <br />That sentence would be reworded to read as follows: <br />Principal amendments shall generally only be considered once each <br />year at the quarterly public hearing in February. <br />The addition of the word "generally" would be sufficient to allow <br />the Board of Commissioners discretion in calling special public <br />hearings on principal amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. <br />ORDINANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE: May 14, 1992 <br />The Ordinance Review Committee proposed that additional wording be <br />added to allow more than one public hearing on principal <br />amendments. However, the Committee felt that they should be <br />restricted to other quarterly public hearings; e.g., May, August, <br />and November. The proposed wording would be as follows: <br />Principal amendments shall generally only be considered once each <br />year at the quarterly public hearing in February; provided, <br />however if special hearings are called bv the Board of <br />Commissioners 4212lications for rinci al amendments shall be <br />considered in conjunction with another quarter l ublic hearing. <br />PLANNING BOARD REVIEW: May-17, 1992 <br />The Planning Board reviewed the proposed amendment and the <br />Ordinance Review Committee recommendation. <br />PUBLIC HEARING: May 26, 1992 <br />The County Attorney provided a handwritten suggestion regarding <br />wording changes. The alternative wording suggested by him is as <br />follows: <br />Principal amendments shall generaliz only be considered once each <br />year at the quarterly public hearing in February; Provided <br />however if a rinci al amendment is scheduled-bZ scheduled-b the Board of <br />Commissioners for other than the February ublic earing, it shall <br />be scheduled during one of the quarterly aublic hearin s held in <br />MaK, Augrust, and November. <br />