Orange County NC Website
026 <br />4. <br />switch cover plates, vents , or openings grates, railings, <br />shelving, cabinets and mirrors. <br />(20) "Junk" includes, but is not limited to, parts of machinery <br />or motor vehicles, unused stoves or other appliances stored <br />in the open, remnants of wood, metal or any other material, <br />or other cast -off material of any kind, whether or not the <br />same could be put to any reasonable use. <br />(21) "Multiple Dwelling" means a any dwelling with two or more <br />units. <br />(22) "Natural Person" means a human being. <br />(23) "Occupancy" or "occupy" means the fact or act of being a <br />human being living or sleeping in a dwelling or unit within <br />a dwelling, whether the human being physically present or <br />temporarily absent. <br />(24) "Occupant" means any person living, sleeping cooking or <br />eating in, or having actual possession of a dwelling. <br />(25) "Owner" or "Ownership" means any person holding legal or <br />equitable title to a property or to real improvements upon <br />a property solely, jointly, by the entireties, in common or <br />as land contract vendee. "Owner" also means any person who <br />has or exercises care, custody, dominion or control over <br />any property. <br />(26) "Person" means a natural person, firm, partnership, <br />association or corporation. <br />(27) "Public Authority" means the Orange County Housing <br />Authority or any officer who is in charge of any department <br />or branch of the government of Orange County or the State <br />.of North Carolina relating to health, fire, building <br />regulations or other activities concerning dwellings in the <br />county. <br />(28) "Public Officer" means the officer or officers employed by <br />the County and designated by the County Manager as the <br />officer authorized to exercise the powers prescribed by <br />this ordinance. Any such officer shall be an appropriately <br />certified code enforcement official as defined and provided <br />in G.S. 153A- 351.1. <br />(29) "Premises" means any improved or unimproved lot or parcel <br />of land and its buildings and structures. <br />(30) "Rental dwelling" means a dwelling containing dwelling <br />units which are leased or rented. <br />(31) "Rental Unit" means any dwelling unit rented or leased. <br />