Orange County NC Website
14 <br />GRANT PRE - APPLICATION - CERTIFICATIONS Page 10 <br />A. PROJECTED ASSUMPTION OF PROJECT COSTS: <br />(4 The project director must state plans for the assumption of project cost alter federal funds are no <br />longer available to the project: <br />The Board of Directors of the Orange County Rape Crisis Center will assume responsibility <br />_for raising moneys from local public revenue sources such as United Way, County and <br />municipal goverrments, foundations, memberships, donations, and fundraising events to <br />continue this project after federal funds.are no longer available. <br />B. CERTIFICATION OF NON- SUPPLANTING: <br />(X) The applicant hereby certifies that federal funds will not be used to supplant or replace funds or <br />other resources that would otherwise have been made available for Juvenile Justice, Drug Control <br />and System Improvement, Victims of Crime Act or Children's Justice. <br />C. CERTIFICATION OF FILING OF AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY <br />PROGRAM: Check the appropriate box. <br />(� I (project director) certify that the applicant/grantee has formulated an Equal Employment <br />Opportunity Program, which is dated 6 / 26/ 90, in accordance with the Amended Equal <br />Employment Opportunity Guidelines 28 C.F.R.42.301, et seq., Subpart E, and that it is on <br />file in the office of- <br />(office) The Or a County Rae Crisis Center <br />(Name2 Mar' Ann Chap <br />(Title) Director - <br />(Address) P.O. Box 871, Chapel Hill: NC 27514. _. -. <br />(Teleuhone) (919) 968 -4647 for review and audit by officials of the Department of Crime <br />Control and Public Safety or the Office of Justice Programs as required by relevant law and <br />regulations. <br />O I (project director) certify that I have read the Amended Equal Employment Guidelines <br />(28 C.F.R42.301, et seq., Subpart E) and that no Equal Employment Opportunity Program is <br />required to be filed by the implementing agency. <br />D. CERTIFICATION OF SUBMISSION OF ANNUAL AUDIT <br />0 I (project director) certify that a copy of the project's annual audit (required) will be submitted to <br />the Office of State Auditor and the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety. <br />