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VIII. ITEMS FOR DECISION - REGULAR AGENDA <br />A. NEW HOPE CORRIDOR OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN <br />Emily Cameron presented for consideration of Board approval the <br />proposed amendments to the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Map and the <br />Orange County Comprehensive Plan (Land Use Element) and Map which <br />incorporates recommendations from the New Hope Creek Corridor Open Space <br />Master Plan. These amendments are on pages of these minutes. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Chairman <br />Carey to approve the proposed amendments to the Orange County Comprehensive <br />Plan (Land Use Element) and Map. These amendments are on pages of <br />these minutes. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by Commissioner <br />Halkiotis to approve the proposed amendments to the Joint Planning Area Land <br />Use Plan and Map with the effective date the date that Chapel Hill Town <br />Council approves these same amendments. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />B. SCHOOL BOND REFERENDUM <br />Chair Carey stated that the Board needs to decide when to place <br />a bond referendum on the ballot and the amount of the bond. The Board <br />talked at length about the results of the school bond survey and questioned <br />the consultant Mr. Johnson or Johnson and Zabor concerning the statistics <br />that would be relevant to the passage of a bond referendum. The consultants <br />noted that the passage of a bond depends largely on what happens between now <br />and May or November and the success of the promotional campaign. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked for information about the number of families who <br />have children in school. Commissioner Halkiotis asked that this survey be <br />compared with the 1988 survey. <br />Earl Davis, Orange County Taxpayers Union, stated he is aware <br />that there is a need to take care of the schools. He asked that the Board <br />realize that there will be growth in the Orange County schools. He <br />emphasized the importance of the Board to represent all the children and <br />pull the county together. He asked that the real needs be determined and <br />stated that the people in Chapel Hill want the best and questioned if the <br />best was necessary. He asked the Board to consider waiting until November <br />for the vote on the bond issue. <br />John Latimore, Chairman of the TaxWatch Organization, stated he <br />is for education but that bricks and mortar do not educate -- the teachers <br />and staff educate. He feels there are still a lot of unknowns about the <br />needs. He asked that enough time be allowed to educate the public about the <br />needs and that the bond be considered in November. <br />Madeline Mitchell stressed that the two school systems need this <br />bond and need it in May. She feels that people are informed and pledged to <br />work hard for the passage of the bond. <br />Doug Breeden, Chapel Hill - Carrboro School Board member, stated <br />that he feels the school board will support a May ballot. He feels it <br />important that the two school boards work together on this issue. He agrees <br />with leaving the amount at 52 million dollars. He expressed the concern <br />that November will push occupancy of the buildings back one year. He feels <br />that a bond referendum in May would take advantage of the low interest rates <br />and the increased activity in the economy. <br />Ted Parrish, Chapel Hill- Carrboro School Board member, stated <br />