Orange County NC Website
1.5 <br />§ 106 -738. Voluntary agricultural districts. <br />(a) An ordinance adopted under this Article shall provide: <br />(1) For the establishment of voluntary agricultural districts <br />consisting initially of at least the number of contiguous <br />acres of qualifying farmland or the number of qualifying <br />farms deemed appropriate by the board of county commis- <br />sioners; <br />(2) For the formation of such districts upon the execution by <br />the owners of the requisite acreage of an agreement to <br />sustain agriculture in the district; <br />(3) That the form of this agreement must be reviewed and ap- <br />proved by an aericultural advisory board established un- <br />der G.S. 106 -739 or some other county board or official; <br />(4) That each such district have a representative on the agri- <br />cultural advisory board established under G.S. 106 -739. <br />(b) The purpose of such agricultural districts shall be to increase <br />identity and pride in the agricultural community and its way of life <br />and to increase protection from nuisance suits and other negative <br />impacts on properly managed farms. The county may take such <br />action as it deems appropriate to encourage the formation of such <br />districts and to further their purposes and objectives. (1985 (Reg. <br />Sess., 1986), c. 1025, s. 1.) <br />§ 106 -739. Agricultural advisory board. <br />An ordinance adopted under this Article shall provide for the <br />establishment of an agricultural advisory board, organized and ap- <br />pointed as the county shall deem appropriate. The county may con- <br />fer upon this advisory board authority to: <br />(1) Review and make recommendations concerning the estab- <br />lishment and modification of agricultural districts; <br />(2) Review and make recommendations concerning any ordi- <br />nance or amendment adopted or proposed for adoption un- <br />der this Article; <br />(3) Hold public hearings on public projects likely to have an <br />impact on agricultural operations, particularly if such <br />projects involve condemnation of all or part of any qualify- <br />ing farm; <br />(4) Advise the board of county commissioners on projects, pro- <br />grams, or issues affecting the agricultural economy or way <br />of life v-ithin the county; <br />(5) Perform other related tasks or duties assigned by the board <br />of county commissioners. (1985 (Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1025, <br />s. 1.) <br />§ 106 -740. Public hearings on condemnation of <br />farmland. <br />An ordinance adopted under this Article may provide that no <br />State or local public agency or governmental unit may formally <br />initiate any action to condemn any interest in qualifying farmland <br />within a voluntary agricultural district until such agency has re- <br />quested the local agricultural advisory board established under <br />G.S. 106 -739 to hold a public hearing on the proposed condemna- <br />tion. <br />(1) Follow -ing a public hearing held pursuant to this section, <br />the board shall prepare and submit vsxitten findings and a <br />' recommendation to the decision- making body of the agency <br />proposing acquisition. <br />(2) The board designated to hold the hearing shall have 30 <br />days after receiving a request under this section to hold <br />the public hearing and submit its findings and recommen- <br />dations to the agency. <br />