Orange County NC Website
Section VII - PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. PURPOSE <br />3.0 <br />No state or.local public agency or governmental unit may formally <br />initiate any action to condemn any interest in qualifying farmland <br />within a voluntary agricultural district until such agency or unit <br />has requested the Orange County Agricultural Districts Advisory <br />Board to hold a public hearing on the proposed condemnation. <br />B. PROCEDURE <br />1. upon receiving a request, the Agricultural Districts Advisory <br />Board shall publish notice describing the proposed action in <br />a newspaper having general circulation in the area within <br />seven (7) days of the request, and will in the same notice <br />notify the public of a public hearing on the proposed <br />condemnation, to be held within 30 days of receipt of the <br />request. <br />2. The Board will, in making its findings and recommendations <br />following the public hearing, consider such factors as: <br />a. Whether the need for the project has been satisfactorily <br />established by the agency or unit of government involved, <br />including a review of any fiscal impact analysis <br />conducted by the agency involved; and <br />b. Alternatives to the proposed action that have less <br />impact and are less disruptive to the agricultural <br />activities and farm land base of the voluntary <br />agricultural district within which the proposed action is <br />to take place. <br />3. The Board will consult with the Orange County Cooperative <br />Extension Service, the local U.S.D.A. Soil Conservation <br />Service office, and the Orange County Planning Department, and <br />may consult with any other individuals, agencies or <br />organizations, public or private, necessary to the Board's <br />review of the proposed action. <br />4. Within 30 days after-the request for public hearing, the Board <br />will make a report to the decision- making body of the proposed <br />condemnor, which,report shall contain the Board's findings and <br />recommendations regarding the proposed action. <br />5. Pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. Section 106 -740, the proposed <br />condemnor shall not formally initiate a condemnation action <br />while the proposed condemnation is properly before the <br />advisory board within these time limitations. <br />