Orange County NC Website
W <br />the Orange County Planning Department on forms provided by <br />that department. <br />2. The Planning Department shall review each application for <br />completeness. When complete, the application shall be <br />forwarded to: <br />a. The Orange County Tax Supervisor's Office; and <br />b. The local office of the Soil Conservation Service of the <br />United States Department of Agriculture. <br />The above offices shall evaluate the application for <br />compliance with the requirements of Section V.D.2. above, <br />complete and return their copies to the Chairman within 30 <br />days of receipt. <br />3. Within 60 days of receipt from the Orange County Tax <br />Supervisor and Soil Conservation offices, the Board will meet <br />and render a decision regarding the application. The Chairman <br />will notify the applicant by mail of the Board's decision <br />whether the real property for which certification is sought <br />satisfies the criteria established in Section V and if the <br />land has been certified as qualifying farmland, and also as a <br />voluntary agricultural district, if application was so <br />sought. <br />4. Certification of qualifying farmland shall become effective <br />upon recordation of a Declaration of Qualifying Farmland, <br />executed by the landowner and the County and recorded in the <br />Orange County Registry. <br />5. The Chairman will notify the Orange County Tax Supervisor of <br />any voluntary agricultural districts established. <br />C. The location of voluntary agricultural districts will be marked on <br />the County Tax maps. <br />D. The County may take such action as it deems appropriate through the <br />Agricultural Districts Advisory Board or other body or individual <br />to encourage the formation of voluntary agricultural districts and <br />to further their purposes and objectives, including at a minimum a <br />public information program to reasonably inform landowners of the <br />farmland preservation program. <br />Section VI - REVOCATION OF CONSERVATION AGREEMENT <br />By written notice to the board, a landowner of qualifying farmland <br />may revoke the conservation agreement formulated pursuant to Section V <br />of this ordinance. Such revocation shall result in loss of qualifying <br />status, and consequently, loss of eligibility to participate in a <br />voluntary agricultural district and benefits thereof. <br />