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2 . <br />spray irrigation system. The County Engineer has <br />indicated his concern about easements and building <br />setbacks that should be recorded around the proposed <br />spray irrigation fields and lagoon. A condition of <br />approval has been added to address this concern. <br />The spray irrigation system has been approved with a <br />25,000 gallon per day capacity. The applicant is <br />proposing to limit the number of bedrooms in the park to <br />208. Using the figure of 120 gpd (gallons per day) <br />pursuant to DEM standards and the Orange County Health <br />Department, the park would use a capacity of 24,960 gpd. <br />A condition of approval has been added to limit the <br />number of bedrooms in the park to 208. <br />The proposed Planned Development modification was <br />presented for public hearing on November 25, 1991. B.M. <br />Sessoms, an attorney representing the applicant, and <br />S.V. Credle, an engineer, spoke in favor of the request. <br />There was no opposition to the request. The application <br />was referred to the Planning Board for a recommendation <br />to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no sooner <br />than January 6, 1992 and no later than February 3, 1992. <br />The Zoning Officer has reviewed the application, the <br />site plan and all supporting documentation and has found <br />that the applicant does comply with the specific <br />standards and required regulations concerning the <br />modification. <br />The Planning Board considered the proposed modification <br />on December 16, 1991 and recommended approval of the <br />request. The Planning Board does, however, recommend <br />the attachment of conditions to the approval which are <br />specified as follows: <br />1. All existing required conditions of the original <br />special use permit are fully applicable. <br />2. All easement documents to provide access, <br />construction, and maintenance of the proposed <br />spray irrigation system must be executed and <br />submitted. The applicant "'shall file with the <br />Orange County Planning Department a copy of all <br />executed easement documents prior to issuance of <br />any building permit in the park. <br />3. Easements around the proposed Sewage Treatment <br />Lagoon and Spray Irrigation System shall be <br />platted to meet N.C. DEM setback requirements. <br />These easements shall act as setbacks and buffers <br />to ensure continued compliance with N.C. DEM <br />standards. <br />4. In order to ensure compliance with the 25,00.0 gpd <br />(gallons per day) capacity of N.C. DEM permit <br />