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A REVIEW OF SPACE AND COST ESTIMATES <br />DEVELOPED BY THE CHAPEL HILL - CARRBORO CITY SCHOOLS <br />How were square footage estimates determined? <br />The long -range facility planning committee developed preliminary square <br />footage estimates prior to completing its report in the fall of 1990. The State's facility <br />standards were reviewed, statistics were collected from neighboring school districts, <br />and the committee visited several schools. The committee's original estimates for the <br />elementary and middle schools were 91,250 and 120,000 square feet respectively. <br />The committee believed that high expectations of our parents and staff, combined with <br />an expanded instructional program and a popular after - school program, would lead to <br />somewhat larger schools than were being built across the state. The high school <br />estimate was based on 215 square feet per student for a high school with a capacity of <br />1000 and core facilities for 1500 students. This estimate was derived from an article <br />written by David Carter et. al. in the Building Education journal. It was stated at the <br />time that these were preliminary estimates which would need to be revised once <br />educational specifications for the buildings were developed. <br />The educational specification committee met in June, 1991 to work with <br />nationally recognized consultants to develop the program for the elementary and <br />middle schools. The committee worked for six full days and produced a first draft of <br />educational specifications. As a result of this process, the elementary program called <br />for more than 150,000 square feet and the middle school for over 200,000 square feet. <br />These space estimates reflected what professional educators truly believed to be <br />necessary to deliver a high quality educational program. It was clear, however, that <br />they were drastically out of line with conventions and, in all likelihood, would be <br />unaffordable. Consequently, a steering committee, working in conjunction with our <br />architects and design consultants, whittled this request down by approximately 30% to <br />111,000 square feet for the elementary school and 148,000 for the middle school. <br />What are the primary areas where the proposed CHCCS elementary <br />school differs from the state recommended standards? <br />Pre - kindergarten Classroom <br />59. Ft. <br />1200 <br />Larger Classrooms in Gr. 1 -5 (15 %) <br />3600 <br />Covered Patios for Outdoor Learning Centers <br />2640 <br />Small Group Rooms <br />2250 <br />Exceptional Children's Program <br />3450 <br />Student Commons <br />1500 <br />Community Resource Area <br />2000 <br />Conference Rooms <br />1260 <br />Professional Offices/Work Spaces <br />6440 <br />Storage <br />7930 <br />Resultant Space Overhead (28 %) <br />9038 <br />Total <br />41,308 <br />