Orange County NC Website
As is the case in most counties, growth is not occurring at a uniform rate in all <br />portions of Orange County. Your own planning department has prepared a <br />comprehensive study which documents that most major, recently constructed or <br />approved housing developments are located in the southern portion of the county. <br />Obviously, the challenge to planners and to you as commissioners is to build new <br />schools where the greatest growth has occurred or where it is projected to occur. <br />Past enrollment trends, as well as projected enrollments, are quite clear about <br />which of the two school districts is growing. Eight years ago membership in each <br />school district was approximately 5000 students.. Last year Orange County had 4991 <br />students in membership, only 32 students more than in 1983 -84. Chapel Hill's <br />membership was 6005, an increase of 980 students. <br />These enrollment trends continue today. Kindergarten enrollment is an <br />excellent forecaster of total enrollment during the next decade. Orange County's <br />kindergarten enrollment this year is 400 students, 4 students fewer than were enrolled <br />five years ago (1986 -87). Chapel Hill Carrboro, on the other hand, enrolled 515 <br />kindergartners this year, a 31 % increase during this same time period. <br />The State's projections indicate that 70% of the student enrollment increase <br />which is projected to occur between 1988, the year of the last bond referendum, and <br />1998 will occur in the Chapel Hill - Carrboro district. If almost three - quarters of the <br />additional students enroll in our district, is it not reasonable that three - quarters of the <br />available funds should be used to construct the schools which their presence <br />demands. <br />In closing, I urge you to follow the advice of your advisory committee. Orange <br />County needs to construct four new schools if it is to avert the facility crisis which Wake <br />and Durham Counties face today. The data support the conclusion that the Chapel <br />Hill - Carrboro Schools require three new schools to provide classroom space for its <br />projected student population. Orange County needs a new middle school to replace <br />Stanback and to relieve overcrowding at Stanford. I urge you to formulate a bond <br />package which focuses on these critical needs and produces four schools designed to <br />meet the educational challenges faced by our communities in the 21 st century. <br />