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for surface water supply watersheds. Both of these documents are <br />in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's office. <br />Dan Eddelman indicated that the 10 foot buffer and the <br />possibility of building water management structures seem to be the <br />major issues for the farmers. He asked for clarification from <br />those in disagreement with these regulations as to what exactly <br />they see as the problem. <br />Ben Lloyd indicated that these regulations would require <br />building a fence around the stream and pumping the water to the <br />COWS. He believes this is an impractical solution. <br />Commissioner Willhoit asked if a fence would be required only <br />in the water quality critical area of WS -II. David Stancil <br />indicated that there are two provisions and that neither of the two <br />provisions would by themselves require fence around the streams. <br />They both apply in critical areas of the watershed in WS -2 and WS- <br />3 categories. <br />Commissioner Gordon asked if there would be circumstances <br />which would require a landowner to fence off a stream and pump <br />water out to another area. The staff will research this question <br />and forward a written reply to the Board of Commissioners. <br />Commissioner Willhoit also indicated that we need to point <br />out to the State that if the farmers are to bear any of this burden <br />it would put them at an economic disadvantage with the farmers in <br />areas which are not required to follow these practices. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon, seconded by <br />Commissioner Halkiotis, to hold the Public Hearing open to receive <br />written comment until September 13th. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br />Commissioner Gordon, to refer this item to the Planning Board for <br />a recommendation to be returned to the Board of Commissioners no <br />sooner than October 7th. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />2. SPECIAL USE PERMIT APPLICATIONS <br />a. SUP -1 -91 GREEN HILL BED & BREAKFAST <br />This item was deleted from the Agenda. <br />3. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS <br />a. News /Used_Car Sales - Article 4.3 Permitted Use Table <br />This item was presented by Mary Scearbo. In summary this <br />item was presented to receive citizen comment on a proposed Zoning <br />Ordinance text amendment in the Table of Permitted Uses to allow <br />car sales in industrial districts. <br />A citizen request was made to allow a specific parcel of land <br />located within an industrial district to be operated as a car sales <br />business. Car sales are currently not permitted in any industrial <br />