Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 2 <br />DRAFT REVISED_ ARTICLE IV SECTION 6.0 "SICK LEAVE" <br />6.0 SICK LEAVE* <br />6.1 General <br />The County provides Sick Leave with pay for <br />Permanent employees, both Full Time and Part Time <br />(regularly, scheduled at least 20 hours each <br />(NEW) workweek). This includes an employee appointed to <br />a permanent position serving a probationary <br />period. Temporary employees do not earn Sick <br />Leave. <br />6.2 Using Sick Leave <br />Sick Leave may be used for: <br />- Physical or mental illness or injury which <br />(OLD prevents the employee from performing the usual <br />6.1 duties, including a pregnancy - related <br />REVISED) disability. <br />Care of an ill member of the employee's <br />immediate family. For this purpose, immediate <br />family is defined as the employee's spouse, <br />parent or child. <br />Medical or dental appointments, including those <br />necessary for the care of a member of the <br />employee's immediate family. <br />(NEW) - Appointments with the Employee Assistance <br />Program provider. <br />6.3 Earning Sick Leave <br />(OLD 6.3.1 Each Permanent employee earns Sick Leave <br />6.6 based on the regular work schedule. <br />REVISED) <br />6.3.2 A Permanent Full Time employee regularly <br />scheduled to work 40 hours each workweek <br />earns Sick Leave at a rate of eight hours <br />each month or 96 hours each year. <br />6.3.3 Sick Leave earning is prorated for <br />Permanent employee working a regular work <br />schedule other than 40 hours. The <br />Personnel Department calculates such a <br />prorated leave earning rate and provides it <br />to the operating department involved. <br />*Effective 10 -01 -91 <br />7 <br />