Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 5. FOLLOW -UP TO SOME OF THE QUESTIONS FROM BOARD <br />OF COMMISSIONERS MEETING MAY 30, 1991 <br />1. Does the budqet include any new temporary positions? <br />Included in the Sheriff's Department budget is funding <br />for one administrative support position. Also included <br />is funding for a part -time, temporary position in <br />Recreation and Parks in order to provide <br />schedulinq /support for the Efland Cheeks Community <br />Center. <br />2. What is the County cost for each percent of salary <br />increase for the County and for each school system? <br />1% County = $137,000 (adjusted for positions paid or <br />matched by non - County funds) <br />1% Chapel Hill /Carrboro Schools - $96,000 <br />1% Orange County Schools - $48,400 <br />3. What is included in recurring capital in the School <br />budgets? <br />Category I - Includes acquisition of real property and <br />acquisition, construction, enlargement, renovation, or <br />replacement of building and other structures for school <br />purposes. For example, roof repairs, floor replacements, <br />site development, handicapped accessibility. <br />Category II - Includes the acquisition or replacement of <br />furnishings and equipment. For example, photocopy <br />machines, computer equipment, food service equipment, <br />cafeteria furniture, athletic equipment, science <br />equipment. <br />Category III - Includes the acquisition of school buses, <br />activity buses and other motor vehicles. <br />