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M M a ff 7 <br />0A <br />Creating a "Rural Character District" and a larger minimum lot size <br />requirement sends a clear signal that increased density and non <br />residential development will not be permitted except through <br />approved rural character preservation strategies. <br />For the Rural Character alternative to be effective, <br />Hillsborough must agree not to annex property in the water /sewer <br />service area beyond the transition area boundary. Hillsborough <br />must also agree not to extend public water and sewer beyond the <br />transition area boundary except in accord with the rural character <br />strategies adopted by Orange County. <br />PRASE II - TRANSIT CORRIDOR ALTERNATIVE <br />In a recent report, the Research Triangle Regional Transit <br />Land Use Study, strategies were outlined for the development of a <br />fixed guideway transit system consisting of light rail people <br />mover, dual -mode bus, and /or busway facilities. The strategies <br />included have long -range implications for Orange County. The land <br />use transit strategies (which will not be summarized here) address <br />a number of issues which are currently being discussed by the <br />County's Economic Development Commission and Planning Board. These <br />can be the focus of subsequent County /Town planning agreements. <br />CONSENSUS ISSUES <br />The joint work group reached consensus on the following issues <br />and the supporting map #7 -- exhibit B attached. <br />1. Hillsborough will not annex beyond the transition area <br />limits within the next 20 years. <br />2. Growth within the transition area will be non - <br />concentric, eg. dispersed growth based on ability to <br />extend gravity sewer and the demand for service around <br />major transportation corridors. <br />3. Public water and sewer extensions beyond transition area <br />boundaries will be limited to large developments or a <br />combination of smaller developments with the expense of <br />such extensions borne by the developer(s). <br />4. Orange County will have full control over zoning in the <br />extended water /sewer service areas (Rural Character <br />District) with Hillsborough providing service only where <br />feasible. <br />5. The Town will be primarily responsible for processing <br />development applications in the transition area while the <br />County will be primarily responsible for processing <br />development applications outside the transition area. <br />Details for joint or courtesy review must be developed. <br />6. The Land use and Comprehensive Plan in the CPZ area will <br />be reviewed at least every five years. <br />7. All land use and zoning changes in the transition area <br />must be approved by both the County and the Town. <br />