Orange County NC Website
G5© <br />B. CONSISTENCY WITH THE LAND USE PLAN <br />We believe that the proposed rezoning of this property is <br />consistent with and supportive of the Land Use Plan. It will <br />not contribute to the potential of strip development and is <br />entirely consistent with the organizing concepts of the Land <br />Use Plan for Bingham Township, particularly item 5, which <br />states: "....development should take place in compact <br />clusters focused on designated activity nodes separate from <br />agricultural areas...." <br />We anticipate no negative impacts on water supply watersheds <br />and believe that this planned development request is one that <br />"...least disrupts current residents and land use patterns <br />and most enhances the public benefits gained by all residents <br />of the county." (p 3.11 -2 of Land Use Plan) <br />The property is located in the center of the White Cross <br />Rural Community Activity Node, designated by the Orange <br />County Land Use Plan. Due to the proximity of the proposed <br />site to major roads, no adverse impact on traffic is <br />expected. <br />