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1 <br />O R A N G E CO U N T Y <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 6, 1991 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item # <br />SUBJECT: Addition to the Classification and Pay Plan <br />DEPARTMENT: Personnel PUBLIC HEARING: Yes X No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Nick Waters, 732 -8161/ <br />Elaine Holmes, Extension 2550 <br />TELEPHONE NUMBERS: <br />Hillsborough - 732 -8181 <br />Durham - 688 -7331 <br />Mebane - 227 -2031 <br />Chapel Hill - 967 - 9251/968 -4501 <br />PURPOSE: To add the EMS Field Supervisor class to the Orange <br />County Classification and Pay Plan. <br />BACKGROUND: The FY 1990 -91 Approved Budget included the addition <br />of two Permanent Full Time paramedic positions in the <br />Emergency Management Services budget to address the <br />increased.number of service calls and to promote the <br />County's Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Quality <br />Assurance Program. <br />After receiving feedback from the Emergency Medical <br />Services'Advisory Council and upon the recommendation <br />of the Medical Director, the Emergency Management <br />Services Department determined that two supervisor <br />positions are needed for the EMS program. These <br />supervisors will- assist both paid and volunteer EMS <br />personnel with-on -scene coordination of activities <br />during emergencies. They will also work on a daily <br />basis to assist personnel to learn and use the policies <br />and medical protocols that set the standards for high <br />quality care in Orange County. The supervisors will <br />allow us to transfer our extremely good medical <br />guidance into more uniform and efficient day -by -day <br />performance in the field. The result will be improved <br />emergency care for our citizens and increased pride and <br />satisfaction for our employees and volunteers. <br />EMS developed a position description reflecting the <br />supervisory responsibilities. Municipal Advisors, <br />Inc., the classification consultant, has studied the <br />positions and has recommended the classification of EMS <br />Field Supervisor at Salary Grade 68. This is two <br />grades higher than the class of Paramedic at Salary <br />Grade 66. The EMS Field Supervisors will supervise <br />Paramedic positions. Funds are available within the FY <br />1990 -91 budget to implement this action. <br />