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DRAFT <br />2/25/91 Public Hearing Minutes <br />A motion was made <br />Gordon, to approve <br />by notification of <br />of Transportation, <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />by Commissioner Insko, seconded by Commissioner <br />the proposed house and building numbers followed <br />the Mebane Postmaster and the N.C. Department <br />as required by 0. S. 153A -240. <br />2. Comprehensive Plan Amendments <br />a. AX@rg Qnd Hgrold HArrie - T i s <br />presention was made by David Stancil. In summary, this item was <br />Presented to consider <br />COMMENTS.-AND QUESTIONS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND /OR <br />PLANNING BOARD <br />In response to a question from Commissioner Insko, Mr. Stancil <br />indicated that the Rural Buffer boundary line was approximately 3/4 <br />of a mile to the south. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked if there was an interest on the <br />part of the owners to talk with the town of Hillsborough to provide <br />water and sewer. Mr. Stanc i 1 indicated that he was not able to <br />respond regarding the applicants intent. <br />Ms. Eidenier stated that she agreed with the Planning Staff's <br />recommendation. The Planning Board is working with the Economic <br />Development Commission. -to develop recommendations for all of the <br />Interchanges along IM40 and I -85. She indicated that they would <br />like to pursue this project without having to decide on a <br />particular property at the same time. Also, during a 1990 meeting <br />between the Board of Commissioners of Hillsborough and Orange <br />County, Mr. whittiker recommended that this area be supplied with <br />town water and sewer in order that the entire area could be <br />developed. Commissioner Smith indicated that there were sewer <br />lines under . the bridge at I -40 and he would like Hillsborough to <br />provide -water and sewer with the county providing fire and police <br />protection. This is something that the town and the county need <br />to discuss in the future. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPEN FOR PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Mary Ayers indicated that she was speaking on behalf of Mr. <br />Ayers and Mr. Harris. She stated that the applicants do not wish <br />to withdraw their application at this time. The owners would like <br />the land use to be changed to a transition area so that they could <br />begin to develop on a limited basis. They would like to increase <br />the development of the area at sometime in the future. She <br />Indicated that the locational criteria is met by the property. The <br />owners have discussed the water line with OWASA and they Indicated <br />that if demand warranted, they woulO allow tap -one of 6" or larger. <br />Sewer lines are currently in place within one mile of the property. <br />14�,•__ I <br />