Orange County NC Website
13 <br />NORTH CAROLINA, Secretary of Crime Conhol and Public Safety. The applicable LJSD07, <br />OIP, ODP Program Guidelines and Application Kits, include but may not be limited to, the <br />following: 1) The U S Depaztrnent of Justice (USD01), Office of lustice Programs (OJP), <br />Office of Domestic Px'epazedness (ODP), Fiscal Year 2001 State Domestic Prepazedness <br />Program, Program Guidelines and Application Kit; 2) Fiscal Yeaz 2002 State Domestic <br />Prepazedness Program, Program Guidelines and Application Kit; 3) The LJSDO.J, Office of <br />Justice Programs, Office of Domestic Preparedness FY 2003 State Homeland Security Crrant <br />Program II Progam Guidelines and Application Kit; and 4) Fiscal Yeaz 2004 State Homeland <br />Security Grant Progam Guidelines and Application Kit <br />The Federal Department of Homeland Security will reimburse the State of North Cazolina fox <br />expenses that were approved on Annex A as explained in the applicable USDOJ, OIP, ODP <br />Program Guidelines and Application Kits. The Grantee will reimburse the Sub-grantee for <br />eligible expenses that were approved in Annex A, <br />Compensation will be in accordance to Annex B <br />IX. MODIFICATION OF TILE AGREEMENT <br />Modifications of this agreement must be in writing and upon approval of both pazties except as <br />modified by official LJSDHS, SLGCP, ODP Federal Grant Adjustment Notice (GAN) <br />X. PROPERTY <br />All property famished under this agreement shall become the property of the Sub-grantee the <br />Sub-grantee shall be responsible for the custody and raze of any property furnished for use in <br />connection with the performance of this agreement and shall reimburse the Grantee for any loss <br />or damage to said property to the extent permitted by the North C,azolina Tort Claims Act The <br />Grantee will not be held responsible for any equipment purehased by Sub-grantee. <br />XI. COMMIJPtICATIONS <br />Io provide consistent and effective communication between the Sub-grantee and the Cnantee, <br />each pazty shall appoint a Principal Representative(s) to serve as its central point of contact <br />responsible for coordinating and implementing this MOA. The Grantee contacts shall be H <br />Douglas Hoell, Jr , Duector; loe Fitzpatrick, Branch Manager, Homeland Security and J D <br />Hughes, Grant Coordinator, .Homeland Security, Phone: 919-715-8000 Ext. 230, E-mail: <br />jdhughes@ncem, org <br />All confidential information of either pazty disclosed to the other pazty in connection with the <br />services provided hereunder will be treated by the receiving paty as confidential and restricted <br />in its use to only those uses contemplated by the terms of this Agreement unless otherwise <br />provided by applicable State and Federal law. Any infozmation which is to be heated as <br />confidential must be cleazly mazlced as confidential prior to transmittal to the other pazty <br />Neithez party shall disclose to third pazties, the othez party's confidential information without <br />written authorization to do so from the othez pazty, Specifically excluded from such confidential <br />Page 4 of 11 <br />