Agenda - 03-20-1991
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-20-1991
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Last modified
11/8/2017 10:42:13 AM
Creation date
11/8/2017 10:33:08 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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5 <br />calls upon the General Assembly, through its legislative delegation, to <br />restore the LRMP and its grant program to the budget for 1991 -92, and <br />that it take action to move the LRMP to another State agency, such as <br />the Office of the Secretary of State, where it can be nurtured and <br />strengthened. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />C. RESOLUTION TO CHANGE THE BEGINNING TIME OF THE NEST REGULAR <br />MEETING <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Halkiotis, seconded by <br />Commissioner Willhoit to change the starting time of the next Board of <br />Commissioners' meeting as stated below: <br />WHEREAS, N.C.G.S. 153A -40(a) requires the Board of County <br />Commissioners to fix the time and place of its regular <br />meetings; and <br />WHEREAS, this Board desires to change the time of the regular meeting <br />scheduled for April 1, 1991, at 7:30 p.m.; <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners that <br />the April 1st regular meeting shall be held at 5:30 p.m. <br />This notice is provided pursuant to N.C.G.S. 153A -40. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />VII. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS - NONE <br />VIII. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />A. 1991 - 1996 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN <br />This item was presented to receive citizen comments. County <br />Manager John Link gave a brief summary of the CIP. A copy of his <br />presentation is in the permanent agenda file in the Clerk's Office. The <br />CIP listed for a five year period the capital needs for the areas of <br />Education, Public Buildings and Equipment, Public Safety, Public Works, <br />Recreation and Parks, and Water and Land Resources. After the <br />presentation, the public hearing was open to receive comments from the <br />public. <br />DAN KIDD distributed some information about a non - profit <br />organization which is interested in bringing a physical education and <br />community center to Orange County. The information included a proposal <br />and the objections of the organization along with financial estimates <br />for this center. They plan to do this through donations as much as <br />possible. The center would include an olympic size ice rink, meeting <br />and activity rooms. The first phase of the project would cost 1.8 <br />million dollars. The property is being donated to the organization. <br />They hope to add a swimming pool at a later time. He asked the Board <br />for a grant in the amount of $75,000 which would pay for approximately <br />half of the infrastructure cost of serving the facility. The <br />organization "Triangle Hockey" would own the property but would give <br />Orange County the land needed to build a community pool. Orange County <br />
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