Orange County NC Website
16 <br />I:11XR - 11'1.1- 1)L111; R1.S0URCLS :. -V1) II'.•t 1'1.11 S.•111;'I IT 7'1.x.1 1()13 .01011 <br />(50) Yancey -- entire county. <br />(d) Paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Rulc shall not be construed to prevent: <br />(1) the lawful hunting of raccoon or opossum during open season with artificial Iiu]Ls dcsigtjccl or <br />conttttortly used in taking raccoon and opossum at nitiht; <br />(2) the ncccss:un shining of liWits by landholders oq their own lands; <br />(3) the of li`Jtts necessary to normal travel by motor vclucics on roads or lu!1tt�'ays; or <br />(4) the use of Lights by campers and others who arc legitimately in such areas for other reasons and <br />who arc not attempting to attract or to immobilize deer by the use of GJtts. <br />History ;Vote: Slamlory Authority G.S. 113 -134; 113- 291.1; S.L. 1941, <br />Ch. 410; S.L. 1951 (Second Session 1982), Ch. /150; <br />Eff. ;Voren6cr 11, 1979; <br />Amended Eff. itugust 1, 1990; June /, 1990; October 1, 1989; June 1, /9.59. <br />.01 16 I'F:RMIrl"ED ,kRCHERY EQUIPMENT <br />(a) Only longbows, retuned bows, and compound bows having a minimum puU of 45 pounds may <br />be used for taking game. It is urdaw-ful to use a crossbow or any other type of bow equipped with any <br />device by which the bow can be'sct at full or partial puU and released by a trigger or any s' Ln idar <br />mechanism. <br />(b) Only arrows with a fixed minimum broadhcad �vidtlt of scycn- eighths of an inch and that do not <br />tnccharucally open upon impact may be used for takng bear, deer, wild boar or wUd turkey. Blunt - <br />type arrow heads may be used Ln taking small animals and birds including, but not limited to, rabbits, <br />squirrels, quail; .grouse and pheasants. Poisonous, dru,,,,,cd, barbed, or explosive arrowhcads may not <br />be used for taking any game. <br />Ifistory ,Vote: Stanaoi)! Awhority G.S. 113.134; 113-291.1(0),- <br />Eff. September 1, 1950; <br />Amended Eff, AuSust 1, 1990. <br />.01 17 REPI.,ICE_MLNT COSTS OF WILDLIFE RESOURCES <br />(a) Replacement Costs Distinguished. As it applies to wJdlife resources, the term ' rcplaccmcnt <br />casts" must be distinuuished from the "valuc" of the wildlife concemcd. Exccpt in csscs N\-herc wildlife <br />specimens may la\%full\' be sold on the open market, as with the carcasses or pelts of furbcaring ani.rnals, <br />the monetary valuc of the spvcirnens cannot be dctcnrtincd easily. -1-hc degree of special interest or <br />conccm in a particular spccics by the public, including not only .huntcrs and trappers but <br />conscn•atiortists and those to whom the value of NvildGlc resourccs is primarily aesthetic, cannot be <br />measured in dollar amounts. The avcragc cost per animal or.bud legally taken by huntcrs, including <br />travel and Iodg2ng, wcapons and ammunition, c.ccisc taxes on equipment, Uccnscs, and hunting club <br />fees, may fairly be estimated. This too, however, is a reflection of the value of existing wildlife resources <br />rather than a measure of the cost of its rcplaccmcnt. Thus, the relative valucs of wildlife sPI:eics should <br />be considered only as they may bear on the necessity or dcsirabi.Uty of actual rcplaccmcnt. <br />(b) Factors to I3c Considered. The factors wl 6ch should be considered in cictcrnining the rcplacc- <br />mcnt costs of resident spccics of wildlife resourccs that havc been taken, injured, rcmo%-cd, harmfully <br />altered, damaged, or destroyed include the following: <br />(1) whether the spccics is classified as endangered or ducatcncd; <br />(2) tic relative frequency of occurrence of the spccics in the state; <br />(3) the extent of ctiisting habitat suitable for the spccics within the state; <br />(4) the dcpcndcncy of the spccics on urniquc habitat requircrrtcnts; <br />(5)' the cost of acquiring, by purchase or long -term lease, lands and waters for habitat development; <br />(6) the cost of improvng and maintaining suitable habitat for the spccics on lands and waters <br />o %\•ncd or acqui.rcd; <br />(7) the cost of Uvc- trapping the spccics ui areas of adequate populations and tran'splantuio tttctrt to <br />areas of suitable habitat with low populations; <br />(S) the availability of the spccics and the cost of acquisition for restocking purposes; <br />(9) the cost of rcaring in captivity those spccics Nvluch, when rcicascd, have a probability of survival <br />in the wi]d; <br />(10) the ratio bcm,ccn the natural lift expectant), of the species and the period of its probable sur- <br />vival when, having been reared in captivity, it is released to the wild; <br />NORTH C.4R01.INA AD.1II ;VISTRATIVE CODE OSI13J90 Pnhc 8 <br />4 <br />