Orange County NC Website
1%S.t /1:/1• IL I !Ul; xwo I <br />t l t L <br />for retricvcrs or bird dogs, shotguns containing Gvc anunurution or Grcartn;` Ii a oun.., ai tnunu- 'r <br />nition may be used only when the applicaiion for and the autliorization o �+ <br />�o wild watcrfowl, quail or pheasant may be used ut field trials tvltcn shotguns with lit•e ammunition <br />are pctYnittcd. All waterfowl, quail and pheasants so uscd must be obtained from a licensed game bird <br />prup.tgator. Each specimen of Watcrfottl so obtained sl)nll be marked by one of the methods provided <br />by 50 C.F.R. 21.13. Each pheasant or quail so obtained shall be banded by the propagator prior to <br />delivery tvith a nictal Icy, band which is imprinted with the number of his propagation license. The <br />purchaser of such birds shall obtain a copy of the rcceipt from the propagator showing the date and the <br />number and species of birds purchased. The copy of the receipt shall be avidable for inspection by <br />any authoti:rcd agent of the Wildlife Resources Commission during the time and at the place where the <br />trial is being held. <br />Hisrary Note: Aur/torrry G.S. 113 -134; 113 -173; 113 -176; 113- 191.1; <br />113- 291.5; 50 C.F.R. 11.13; <br />Eff. February, 1, 1976; <br />Aincndcd Eff. May 1, 1990; September 1, 1930; <br />August 1, 1930; August 1, 1977. <br />.01 IS SHINING LICIFVS IN DEER AREAS <br />(a) It having been found upon sufl-tcicnt evidence that certain areas frequented by deer are subject to <br />substantial unlawful n.igltt deer hunting, or that residents in such areas have been greatly incon\,'cnicnecd <br />by persons sluning lights on deer, or both, the sliming of lights on deer in such areas is lur6tcd by <br />Paragaphs (b) and (c) of this Rulc, subject to the exceptions contained in Paragraph (d) of this Rulc. <br />(b) No person shall, bct\t-ccn the hours of 11:00 p.m. and one -half hour before sunrisc, intentionally <br />slt.ine a 110-it upon a deer or s-wccp a Ught in search of deer in the indicated portions of the <br />follow n^_ counties: <br />(1) Beaufort -- entire county; <br />(2) Bladcn -- cntirc county; <br />(3) Drunswick -- entire county; <br />(4) Camdcn - cntirc county; <br />(5) Chosvan - entire count`•; <br />(6) Cunituck -- entire county; <br />(7) DupLin -- cntirc county; <br />(3) Franklin -- entire county; <br />(9) Gates -- cntirc county; <br />(10) Gran\Uc -- entire county; <br />(11) Greene -- entire county; <br />(12) I icrtford -- cntirc county; <br />(13) bloke - entire county; <br />(14) I lyde -- cntirc county, except that part of the county described in Paragaph (c) of this Rule; <br />(15). Jones -- entire county; <br />(16) Lenoir entire county; <br />(17) Martin - entire county; <br />(16) Vlonteomcry -- cntirc county; <br />(19) Nash - cntirc county; <br />(20) Orange -- entire county; <br />(21) Pamlico -- cntirc county; <br />(22) Pasquotank -- cntirc county; <br />(23) Pcndcr -- cntirc county; <br />(21) I'crquimans -- entire county; <br />(25) Pitt -- entire county; <br />(26) Richmond -- entire county; <br />(27) Sampson -- entire county; <br />(28) TyrrcU - cntirc county;' <br />(29) Vance cntirc county; <br />(30) Wake - cntirc county; <br />(31) Warren -- cntirc county; <br />(32) Wasltin; ton -- cntirc county; <br />JYORTH C:IROLIA'A :IDMIMSTRATIVE CODE 08113190 page 6 <br />�ti�. <br />