Orange County NC Website
alterations, demolition or new construction within <br /> historic districts, or for the alteration or demolition <br /> of designated landmarks. <br /> Before building permits may be issued for alterations, <br /> demolitions or new construction within historic <br /> districts, or for alterations or demolition of historic <br /> landmarks, a Certificate of Appropriateness must be <br /> approved by the Commission . The review process insures <br /> that changes are in accord with the character of the <br /> site, structure or district. Approval is based on design <br /> principles and guidelines adopted by the Commission and <br /> which are applicable to the structure or district. <br /> COMMENTS OR QUESTIONS FROM THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OR PLANNING <br /> BOARD <br /> Commissioner Gordon indicated that there was a provision <br /> for non-experts on the Historic Commission . For example, four <br /> members could be experts and three p e could be interested citizens. <br /> Mr. Collins indicated that the County's share of the inventory <br /> cost would be $20,000 which would be matched with $20 ,000 of <br /> Federal funds. The publishing of the inventory could be minimal <br /> or it could be a high quality publication costing as much as <br /> $60,000. If the high quality option is chosen, funding options <br /> through the State, as well as local and private sources, would be <br /> pursued. Orange County will be responsible for the unincorporated <br /> areas and the Towns and University will be responsible for their <br /> areas. <br /> In response to a question from Commissioner Gordon, Mr. <br /> Collins indicated that qualifying for tax incentives would be <br /> handled by the County Manager and the Tax Supervisor. He stated <br /> that if some of the property owners objected to being included in <br /> a historic district the Board of Commissioners could review this <br /> issue thoroughly and determine what is in the best interest of the <br /> community. The people in the district will be included in this <br /> process at every step of the way. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked how properties included in the <br /> district will be monitored so that unauthorized renovations were <br /> not made. Mr. Collins indicated that the County would have to <br /> assume that role. <br /> Mr. Gledhill mentioned that the Health Department handles the <br /> moving of graveyards. The Register of Deeds Office has a list of <br /> Orange County graveyards. This list is not complete. Mr. Anderson <br /> of the Historical Society requested a question be added to the Tax <br /> Declaration asking if the property contained a graveyard. <br /> Apparently, many citizens didn ' t answer truthfully because they <br /> believed that they would be taxed for the graveyard. <br />