Orange County NC Website
11 <br />of the permit date. The actual start means the first <br />placement of permanent construction of a structure (including <br />a.manufactured home ) on a site, such as the pouring of slabs, <br />or footings, the installation of piles, construction of <br />columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation or the <br />placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. Permanent <br />construction does not include land preparation, such as <br />clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the <br />installation of streets and /or walkways; nor does it include <br />excavation for a basement, footings, piers, or foundations or <br />the-erection of- temporary forms; include the <br />installation of property of accessory buildings, such as <br />garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part <br />of the main structure. For a substantial improvement the <br />actual start of construction means the first elteration of <br />any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of. t ^e <br />building, whether yr not that alteration affects the external <br />dimensions of the building. <br />"Stream" means a water course that collects surface runoff <br />from an area of one square mile or greater. <br />"Structure" means for floodplain management purposes, a <br />walled and roofed building a manufactured home,�ir.cludina a <br />gas or liquid storage tank, of other mar. -made facilities or <br />infrastructures that are principally above ground. <br />"Substantial Damage" means damage of any origin sustained by <br />A structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to <br />jLs before damaged condition would ecual or exceed 50 ne -cent <br />of the market value of the structure beore the damage <br />occurred. See definition of "substantial irrproyeme ^.t" <br />"Substantial Improvement" means any repair, reconstruction, <br />rehabilita� ion, addition, or other improvement of a <br />structure, the cost of which ecuals or exceeds fifty nerve t <br />of the market value of the structure before the "start o, <br />construction" of the improvement. Tr :.s term includes <br />structures which have incurred "substantial damage" <br />recardless of the actual repair work performed. The tee <br />does not, however, include either: (1) any project for . <br />improvement of a structure to correct existing violations of <br />state or local health, sanitary, of safety code <br />specifications which have been identified by the local code <br />enforcement official and w�- c -are the minimum necessary :.o <br />assure safe living conditions; or, (2) any alteration or a <br />historic structure provided "hat the alteration W-1 Tot <br />preclude the structure's continued designation as a- _ ^istoric <br />struct -� <br />"Variance" is a Grant of relief to A person from the <br />recuirements of this ordinance which vermits construction in <br />a manner otherwise trohibited by this ordinance where <br />specific enforcement would result in unnecessary hardship. <br />"Violation" means the failure of a structure or other <br />17 deve onment oo be fu_, llv comnliant with the commu ^.itv' s <br />