Orange County NC Website
"Manufactured Home Park or Subdivision" means a parcel (or <br />contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more <br />manufactured home lots for rent or sale. <br />"Mean Sea Level" means the average height of the sea for all <br />stages of the tide. It is used as a reference for <br />establishing various elevations within the flood lain. For <br />ur ose of this ordinance- the term �s svnonvmous with <br />National Geodetic vertical Datum (NGVD) <br />"National'Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD)" as corrected in <br />1929 is a vertical control used as a reference for <br />establishi q varynq elevations within the floodolain. <br />"New Construction" means structures for which the "start of <br />construction" commenced on or after the effective date of <br />this ordinance and includes any subsequent improvements to <br />such structures. <br />"New Manufactured Home Park or Subdivision" means a <br />manufactured home park or subdivision for which the <br />.construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which <br />the manufactured homes are to be affixed including at a <br />minimum the installation of utilities the construction of <br />streets, and either final site grading or the Douring of <br />concrete slabs), is comoleted on or after the effective date <br />of this ordinance_ <br />"Non- Conformincx Building or Use" means anv legally existing <br />buildino or use which fails to comply with the OrOyisions 0- <br />the ordinance. <br />"Recreational Vehicle" means a vehicle which is: ) built on <br />a single chassis,_, 400 square feet or less when measured <br />at the largest horizonta_1 projection; 1cj designed to De <br />self - propelled or ne=anentiv towable by a light duty truck- <br />ands ) pesicrned Urilll�r lv not ro- use es a mermanert <br />dwelling, but As temoorary living cuarte_s for recreational. <br />cam -cinc, travel or seasonal use. <br />"Remedy A Violation" to bring the structure or other <br />develoe ent into comL)Iiance with State or local floodplain <br />manaaeme_p` reoul ons o,, if this �'s not Dosswble. to <br />redly �' iMDacts of its nor. -- compliance. wevs . what mAaacts <br />May __ bo reduced ude gotectina mha srruct.u_e or other <br />gfected �evelovment from flood damages, implementing the <br />enforcement ov "5' a ord' ce or otherwise <br />ceterrino juture sim violations_,_ pT, reducing Federal <br />financial exgosure wiLt regard to the strug ure o- oche_ <br />development. <br />"Stmt 2 Construction" (for other than new cons :ruction or <br />substantial improvements under the Coastal Barrier Resources <br />Act (Public Law 97- 348)), includes substantial jmr)rovement, <br />and means the date the building De --mit was issued, provided <br />the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, <br />rehabilitation, addition or i=ro- ,semen_ was within 180 days <br />