Orange County NC Website
N <br />"Floor" means the tog surface of an enclosed area in a <br />buildin (including basement) i.e., top of slab in concrete <br />slab construction or t-op of wood floorin in wood --rane <br />construction. The term does not include the floor of a <br />ara a used solely for narking vehicles. <br />_Functionally Dependent Facility means a facility which <br />cannot be used for its intended our2bse unless it is located <br />or carried out in close poxmity to water, such as a docking <br />or' port- facility- necessary for .the loading. and unloading of <br />cargo or assen ers shipbuilding_ shin repair, or seafood <br />r)rocessincr facilities. The term does not include long -term <br />storage, manufacture, sales, or service facilities. <br />"Highest Adjacent � Grade" means the highest natural elevation <br />of the ground surface, prior to construction, next to the <br />proposed walls of the s- ructure. <br />"Historic Structure" means any structure that is: rat listed <br />individuals in the National Register of Historic Places ra <br />listing ma'ntaEned by the US De artment of Interior), ar <br />preliminarily determined by the Secretary of Interior as <br />mee;.inc the recuirements for individual listing on the <br />National Register_ 112-1 certified or nreliminari lv determined <br />by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the <br />historical significance of a registered r_�storic district or <br />a district preliminarily determined by the Secretary to <br />gualifv as a registered - historic district; icI individLally <br />listed on a State inventory of historic places; (d) <br />individually_ listed on a local inventory o historic places <br />in communities with historic preservation nrograms the- have <br />been certified Lij by an annroved state -program as determined <br />by the Secretary of the interior, or (2) dArectiv by z e <br />Secr r <br />etav of Interior int <br />sates� without annroved nrocrams. <br />"Levee" means a man -made structure, usually an ear -hen <br />embankment, designed and cons4ruc -ed in accordance w--'-:h sound <br />engineering prat -ices to cor.ta n, con�rol, or diver- -he =low <br />of water so as to provide nrotec -ion fZoM temporary floor-inc. <br />"Lowest _door" means the lowest floor of. the lowest enclosed <br />area (including basement). kn unfinished or floor res_Ls.ant <br />enclosure,.usable solely for parking of vehicles, building <br />access, or 'storage in an area other than a basement area is <br />not considered a building's lowest floor provided that such <br />an enclosure is not built so as to render the strucnure in <br />violation of the applicable non- elevau_on design recuirements <br />of this ordinance. <br />"Manufactured Home" means a structure, transportable in one <br />or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and <br />is designed for use with or without a permanent- foundau_on <br />when connected to the recuired utilities. The te_;,i <br />"manufactured home" does not mode a "recreational <br />vehic a "_ <br />