Orange County NC Website
VA <br />than a ire wall. A_ny walled and roofed addition which is <br />connected by a fire wall or is senarated by indenende -- <br />perimeter load-bearing walls is new construction. <br />"AA20 eal" means a request from a review of the zoning <br />Officer's interpretation of any provision of this ordinance. <br />"Area of Sha low Flooding" means a designated AO or vO zone <br />on a commu itv's Flood Insurance Rate Mar) tFIRMI w base <br />flood depths from one to three feet where a clearly defi -ed <br />-channel does not. exist, ..where._the . i th o.F ,flooding is <br />unpredictable and indeterminate and where velocity flow may <br />be evident. <br />"Area of Snecial Flood Hazard" is the land in the floodnlain <br />within a community subject to a one percent or creates chance <br />of equaled or exceeded in a =y criven year. <br />"Artificial obstruction" means any obstruction, which is not <br />a natural obstruction, including any which, while not a <br />significant obstruction in itself, is capable of accumulating <br />debris and, thereby, reducing the flood- carrying capacity of <br />the stream. <br />ase Flood" means the flood having a one percent chance of <br />being equaled or exceeded in any given year, also known as <br />the 100-year flood. <br />"Basement" means that lowest level or story which has its <br />floor sub rade on all sides. <br />"Breakaway Wall" means a wall that is not hart of the <br />structural sup -oort of the building and is intended throuch <br />its desi n and construction to collapse under snec;fic <br />lateral loading forces without causing damaoe to the elevated <br />nortion Of the building or the sutDOrting flu ndation systen. <br />A b- eakawav wall shall have a design safe loading resistance <br />of not less than i0 and no more than 20 nounds per scuare <br />foot. A wall with loading resistance of more than 20 tcunds <br />p =r sguare foot require., a nYefessionel engineer or <br />arch'tect's certificate. <br />"Bui ldina" means an—v structure built for support shelter-, o- <br />enclosuge for any occunancv or storage.. <br />"Day- elopment" means any man -made change to improved or <br />unimproved real estate, including, but not li.*nited to, <br />buildings or other structures, mining, dredging, filling, <br />grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations, o'- <br />s }o age of equipment o,�- maueri als . <br />"Elevated $uilding means a non - basement building Laj_ built <br />An the case of a bu� Wilding jLn Zones 7- j -v 30 xF, x.1 z �9J Foy <br />Pa B� or X to aye the tot) of the e�evated floor, or n <br />the case of a building in Zones VI -vao, V= or v_ oo have the <br />bottom of the owest horizontal structure member of the <br />elevated oor above the &round means of pilings, columns <br />